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Zweva Environment bvba

Europark 1003, Houthalen-Helchteren, Limburg, Belgium

Memberships : NA
Industry : Waste Management
Basic Member
Since Feb, 2021
About Company


One of the aspects we strongly believe in is quality for a competitive price. If you want to achieve this, it is essential that you produce yourself. We are producing and assembling our products under one roof. Our plastic containers are produced by the most advanced machines and are custom made to suit our products in the best manners. Our production and assembly plant is almost 5000 m² and is located in Belgium.


At Zweva environment we take the resposibility that every producer should take. Everything we produce should already be designed in such a way that at the end of the products life it should be possible to reuse all the materials in at least the same function as it had. We currently achive 99,5% of this responsebility. We do this by using us many untreated materials as possible. Polyethele, aluminium and stainless steel and wood that is replanted. In the production plant we produce more electricity from our solar panels than we consume and we use gas to heat our plastic production machines to have a very small Carbon footprint.

Proven Quality

We strongly believe our products should be used by without and problems for many years so we took long time to develop our products with an eye for every detail. This can be seen in many aspects of our products. But to be sure this is not only theoretical, we submitted our products to all available technical tests on the market. Our bins are certified by the EN 13071 norm, are lifting bags are ISO 21898 certified, our wood is PEFC certified and we produce in accordance with ISO 9001.

Company NameZweva Environment bvba
Business CategoryWaste Management
AddressEuropark 1003
ZIP: 3530
Year Established2012
Hours of OperationNA
Company Services
  • Semi-underground Waste Containers
  • Refuse Containers
  • Waste Management
  • Semi Underground Bins
  • Semi Burried Waste Container
  • Deep Collection
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