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Vertex Energy

1331 Gemini St, Suite 250 , Houston, Texas, United States

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Since May, 2016
About Company

Vertex Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ: VTNR) is a leading environmental services company that recycles industrial waste streams and off-specification commercial chemical products. Its primary focus is recycling used motor oil and other petroleum by-product streams. Vertex purchases these streams from an established network of local and regional collectors and generators. Vertex also manages the transport, storage and delivery of the aggregated feedstock and product streams to end users, and manages the re-refining of a portion of its aggregated petroleum streams in order to sell them as higher-value end products. Vertex sells its aggregated petroleum streams as feedstock to other re-refineries and fuel blenders or as replacement fuel for use in industrial burners. The re-refining of used motor oil that Vertex Energy manages takes place at its facilities in Houston (TX), Marrero (LA) and Columbus (OH).Based in Houston, Texas, Vertex Energy also has offices in Illinois and Georgia.


Vertex Energy, Inc. manages and produces energy-related products, focused on recycle/reuse operations for petroleum and chemical products in an effort to conserve our nation’s environment and energy resources. Vertex provides services across the United States enabling the transporting, processing and re-refining of these distressed hydrocarbon based streams into viable commodity products that off-set the United States’ dependency on foreign crude oil in a safe and regulatory compliant manner. We maintain a high standard of business practices that translates into unparalleled value to our customers and suppliers. The honesty, integrity and commitment of our employees are vital to our mission. Exemplary customer and supplier relationships drive our growth and success.

Goals And Objectives

Vertex Energy, Inc., is committed to meeting its fundamental obligations to stockholders, employees, customers and suppliers, as well as to being a good corporate citizen. This commitment is based on five fundamental precepts stating that the company will:

  1. Maintain and enforce high standards of ethical conduct
    • Relationships will be based on honesty, trust, fairness and respect
    • Operations will be conducted in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements and in an environmentally responsible manner
    • A positive difference will be made in the communities where we do business
    • Sustainable business practices will be promoted to protect the environment and conserve resources
  2. Maintain a strong “people orientation” and demonstrate care for every employee
    • Employees will be treated fairly and with respect
    • Communications with employees will be clear, direct and timely
    • Teamwork and collaboration, learning and personal growth will be encouraged
    • Promotion from within will be practiced whenever possible
  3. Attract and retain suppliers and customers throughout the United States
    • Customer and supplier needs will drive our efforts to win in the marketplace with a competitively advantaged business system
    • Provide products and services of consistently superior quality and value
  4. Maintain a prudent, results-oriented approach to business that builds superior shareholder value over the long-term
    • Challenging business objectives will be set to ensure a steady rate of real growth, while maintaining the financial growth of the corporation.
    • Profitable growth will be pursued while maintaining excellence in our existing businesses
    • Growth opportunities will be sought actively within and outside the corporation in areas that capitalize on Vertex’s immense strengths
  5. At Vertex Energy, our goal is to become the nation’s leading producer of transportation fuels and feedstocks derived from a variety of recovered hydrocarbon streams.
    • Reduce our nation’s dependence on foreign oil by recycling otherwise lost hydrocarbons
    • Improve the environment by increasing the cleanliness and quantity of recovered hydrocarbons
    • Improve the business practices, image and growth prospects of our entire industry.

Black Oil Division

Vertex Energy’s Black Oil Division is a leader in providing customers with used oil, also known as black oil, for their re-refining, chemical processing and/or blending operations. For nearly 10 years, our Black Oil Division has operated as an outsourced feedstock manager for large consumers of used motor oil by finding the appropriate quantities of black oil at the best prices on a reliable basis and managing the logistics of having the necessary quality and quantity of black oil delivered to their facilities in a timely manner. Our numerous relationships with used oil collectors across the United States and our deep knowledge of used oil logistics allows us to meet the feedstock requirements of numerous customers so they can focus on their core operations. By sourcing black oil on a nationwide basis, we are able to secure feedstock at attractive prices through our knowledge of local markets, logistics networks and the various competitive forces that impact used motor oil prices at both the regional and local levels. As a trusted outsourced feedstock manager, we allow our customers to focus on their core operations without having to manage the all-important task of maintaining appropriate levels of black oil to run their processes. In addition to providing feedstock management for various re-refining facilities, our Black Oil Division is a market maker for used motor oil in blending applications. Our strategic location in the Gulf Coast allows us to provide used oil feedstock to a variety of blenders who ship their finished products to foreign markets where natural gas is a less viable energy source than in the United States. By combining our rail, barge and trucking logistics expertise with our tank and terminal assets in a number of locations, we are able to meet the needs of facility operators and blenders nationwide for both domestic and foreign consumption. Our service includes full documentation of all purchases so that our customers have a transparent view of our operations, costs and management in support of their feedstock needs. We are firm believers in building constructive partnerships with our customers and thus approach every relationship uniquely so as to best service our customers’ particular needs. Our commitment to service, reliability with both suppliers and customers, and knowledge of the market sets us apart in the used motor oil industry.

Refining & Marketing Division

Formed in 2004, our Refining & Marketing Division produces three distinct products from distressed hydrocarbon streams. All of our processing is done at a third-party facility under a contract manufacturing relationship. This Division opportunistically purchases pipeline transmix and chemical by-products that come out of refineries and chemical plants that can be used as feedstock for producing our finished products.

  • Gasoline Blendstock which is a raw gasoline product sold to large fuel blenders
  • Pygas which is a feedstock used by a variety of chemical companies in their operations
  • Fuel Oil Cutterstock which is sold to large oil trading companies and used in making residual fuel blends

Our Refining & Marketing Division provides Vertex Energy with an additional profit center for the conversion of distressed hydrocarbon streams


Managing & Producing Renewable Energy
Vertex Recovery, L.P., is a generator solutions company for the proper recycling and management of the following: 

  • Used oil and used oil-related products
  • New and wet lubricating oils
  • Off-spec and virgin crude oil
  • Gasoline blendstocks
  • Fuel oil and cutterstocks
  • Vegetable oils and grease

Vertex Recovery has offices located in Baton Rouge, La., Houston and Austin, Texas, delivering a high level of service and expertise to the South Central Region of the United States.

Company NameVertex Energy
Business CategoryLiquid Oils and Chemicals Recycling
Address1331 Gemini St
Suite 250
United States
ZIP: 77058
Year EstablishedNA
Hours of OperationNA
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