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P.O. Box 200 , Lilleaker, Norway

Memberships : NA
Industry : Energy
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Since Jun, 2015
About Company

Statkraft is a leading company in hydropower internationally and Europe’s largest generator of renewable energy. The Group produces hydropower, wind power, gas-fired power and district heating and is a global player in energy market operations. Statkraft has 3700 employees in more than 20 countries.

Facts about Statkraft

  • European leader within renewable energy
  • Norway's largest and the Nordic region's third largest power producer
  • Core business areas within hydropower, wind power, gas power and district heating
  • A significant player in the European energy exchanges with cutting-edge expertise in physical and financial energy trading and origination
  • 403 power and district heating plants with a total installed capacity more than 18 000 MW, and 29 district heating plants with an installed capacity more than 700 MW.
  • Total annual power production of 56 TWh, renewable percentage of 99%
  • 71,5% of the installed capacity is in Norway, then Europe outside the Nordics with 16 3 % , the Nordicsexcluding Norway with 8,3 and the rest of the world with 3,9 %.
  • Delivers more power to Norwegian industry than ever before. About 21 TWh annually
  • Develops hydropower in emerging markets outside Europe.
  • Significant wind power developer. Has completed Sheringham Shoal offshore wind farm off the coast of the UK together with Statoil. (315 MW)
  • The Group's gross sales amounted to NOK 52,2 billion in 2014
  • 3700 employees and active in more than 20 countries
  • Wholly owned by the Norwegian state

Vision, values and strategy


Providing pure energy


Competent. Using knowledge and experience to achieve ambitious goals and to be recognised as a leading player.
Responsible. Creating value, while showing concern for employees, customers, the environment and society in general.
Innovative. Thinking creatively, identifying opportunities and developing effectivesolutions.


In a world facing major climate challenges, Statkraft’s core product is more in demand and valuable than ever before. The need for pure energy creates major growth opportunities. Statkraft is uniquely positioned to take part in this growth and will develop renewable energy in a manner which supports a positive social development.

Statkraft's ambition is to strengthen its position as a leading international provider of pure energy.

This will be achieved by utilising the Group's competitive advantages and core expertise.

The strategy is based on an evaluation of the markets' attractiveness and Statkraft's ability to create value, and has five focus areas:

European flexible generation
Market operations
Hydropower in emerging markets
Wind power
District heating

The majority of our energy production is generated through hydropower. Production takes place in 378 hydropower plants – 273 in Norway, 55 in Sweden, 10 in Germany,  three in the United Kingdom and 32 outside Europe. We've got three wind power plants in Norway.That is enough to provide electricity to 37 000 households. We also have four in UK, five in Sweden and four outside Europe. In addition we are developing several wind power projects in Sweden and UK. Statkraft currently has a total of 35 district heating plants and biomass power plant . We operate four gas-fired power plants in Germany and have shareholdings in two other plants. Innovation is important to us. We strive to research and develop new sources of energy.

Company NameStatkraft
Business CategoryEnergy
AddressP.O. Box 200
Year Established1895
Hours of OperationNA
Company Services
  • Renewable Energy
  • Hydropower
  • Wind Power
  • Gas Power
  • District Heating
  • Small Scale Hydropower
  • Energy Services
  • Energy Trading
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