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Materialjenvinning AS 107, Grenseveien , Oslo, Norway

Memberships : NA
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Since Jul, 2021
About Company

Circle receives glass and metal packaging from municipalities throughout Norway, to the recycling plant at Øra in Fredrikstad. 100% of sorted glass and metal is sent for material recycling, and re-emerges as valuable raw material for completely new products.

Our vision is to be the most innovative and credible recycling company in the industry.

The main purpose of the circle is to facilitate that all glass and metal packaging in Norway is collected and further processed in a sustainable manner. This will be achieved through close collaboration with companies that need recycled glass in their production processes, at the same time as their own investment in the production and sale of Glasopor foam glass is intensified.

Cirkel consists of the companies Sirkel Glass AS and Sirkel Materialjenvinning AS. Everyone who sends glass packaging to the Norwegian market is obliged to be a member of an approved return scheme for packaging. Sirkel Glass AS is approved as a return company for glass packaging. Grønt Punkt Norge  arranges for the administration of membership and the collection of remuneration on behalf of Sirkel Glass. In Norway, there is an environmental tax on beverage packaging, the environmental tax is reduced according to the size of the return percentage of the individual types of packaging. Sirkel Glass AS has an approved return rate of 95% and collected almost 100,000 tonnes of glass and metal packaging in 2019. Read more about environmental tax and rates here.

For us, in fact, old glass and metal are as good as gold. Materials that can re-emerge into something new in an infinite cycle, must be some of the most valuable that exists? At the same time, we save the environment from unnecessary use of energy and resources. The exact value of this, only the future knows. But it is this value we steer by: To contribute to a sustainable society that is less use and waste, and more USE & CREATION.

Glass and metal are fantastic raw materials that can be used and created into something new, infinitely many times. Cans become not only new packaging, but also bicycles, aluminum foil and tools. Glass becomes new glass packaging and the building material Glasopor.

Company NameSirkel
Business CategoryGlass/Fiberglass Recycling
AddressMaterialjenvinning AS 107
ZIP: 0663
Year EstablishedNA
Hours of OperationNA
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