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Schuster Recycling Technology

Str. Al. Vlahuta no. 11 , Bihor, Bihor, Romania

Memberships : NA
Industry : Waste Management
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Since Aug, 2023
About Company

If you are involved in business with recyclable waste, you have problems with the management of recyclable waste in your company or you are a sanitation operator, you are in the right place! We have the best quality solutions for any problem related to recyclable or household waste for any size of your business. We are the authorized dealer for Romania of the Bramidan company from Denmark for vertical baling presses for cardboard, foil, PET, aluminum cans with plastic and wooden crates. Very fast and efficient, with very low electricity consumption, designed to make bales to the dimensions ideal for efficient transport.

We can offer you automatic channel presses for the fast processing of large quantities of recyclable material from our partners ABBA from Germany and Anis Trend from Slovenia. We are the authorized dealer for Romania of the Werner&Weber company from Austria, manufacturer of press containers and stationary presses for household or recyclable waste. From the same partner, we can offer you very efficient waste transfer stations, designed and sized according to your requirements

We are an authorized dealer of the Wagner company from Austria, manufacturer of shredders for wood or plastic, perforators for PET and bag openers for waste sorting stations. For recyclers in the field of non-ferrous materials, we can offer cable grinding mills and cable splitters for any size of cables, with manual or electric actuation. Together with our partners, we can offer you solutions for waste sorting stations regardless of the annual quantities to be processed. We can offer you complex solutions that include automatic waste sorting and machines for the production of electricity and thermal energy from the biogas produced by household waste that reaches the sorting station. We can also offer you the necessary equipment for making compost, mobile shredders for vegetables, aerators,

Company NameSchuster Recycling Technology
Business CategoryWaste Management
AddressStr. Al. Vlahuta no. 11
ZIP: 410086
Year EstablishedNA
Hours of OperationNA
Company Services
  • Waste Recycling Machines
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