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Viale Grado, 142 , Pavia of Udine, Udine, Italy

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Since Jul, 2021
About Company

The ROTT-FERR company was founded in 1998 with Mr. Michele Montrone, who acquired a scrap recovery company near Udine , near the Bertoli Safau steelworks. This is in order to expand the company already started in 1992 in Trieste and continue the traditional business started by his father in 1973.

In 2014 the company took over in the Pordenone area by taking over the De Anna company, a historical activity in the recovery of metal scrap, thus also introducing the recovery of paper, plastic, wood and WEEE into the business.

Twenty years later, the company presents itself today as a solid group , made up of various companies scattered throughout the Friuli territory and also present abroad.

The group belongs to the company METFER SRL, based in Trieste, which deals with the recovery of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and which has developed the skills and expertise to carry out a complete service, through the recovery of other waste such as cables, paper, plastic, glass, wood and tires; SML srl which carries out maintenance and fittings on industrial vehicles in particular as regards hydraulic systems.

ROTT-FERR Srl collaborates with more than 300 companies in the Friuli area and is a regular supplier of groups such as DANIELI (Acciaierie Bertoli Safau), Cividale Group, Duferco, Pittini, Riva Group, Ace. Stefana, etc.

Suppliers include De Longhi, Marcegaglia, Evraz Palini & Bertoli, PMP, Refitalia, Jindal, Metinvest Trametal, RFI, etc.

It also buys materials directly from countries such as Austria, Serbia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Croatia, Germany, Algeria, Switzerland etc.

The company has more than 400 interchangeable bins of different sizes available on free loan for the containment of processing waste.

It has two hydraulic shears for cold cutting, with which it is able to carry out demo litions of large machinery and plants , warehouses, cranes and industrial demolitions in general.

Through various analyzer guns he is able to obtain the immediate analysis of ferrous materials and metals for greater accuracy in drafting offers to various suppliers.

The company is in possession of all the necessary authorizations to operate in the recycling sector of ferrous and non-ferrous materials and complies with the current regulations on environmental protection, visible and downloadable from the website, and is also in possession of the following certifications: ISO 9001 , ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, also having a management system compliant with the provisions of Legislative Decree 231.

Conrtact Detials

Pordenone branch:

Viale Venezia, 123 33170 Pordenone

Tel.: 0434.541164

Fax: 0434.537053

Company NameROTT-FERR srl
Business CategoryScrap Metal Recycling
AddressViale Grado, 142
Pavia of Udine
ZIP: 33050
Year Established1998
Hours of OperationNA
Company Services
  • Trade Of Ferrous And Non-ferrous Metals
  • Demolition Work
  • Purchase Of Scrap
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