Reciclocentro Ldaindustrial activity, initiated by its managing partner Joaquim Batista , orienting its objectives towards market vectors that contribute to a better and effective protection of the environment and a healthy help in the country's economy. Indeed, recycling and recovery minimizes the importation of raw materials, allowing savings for public coffers and enhancing human well-being.
Basing a growing and entrepreneurial path, based on honesty, trust, competence, loyalty and clarity in the business and partnerships it establishes, Reciclocentro Lda , seeks to respond to the problems that other companies or entities present in the handling and routing of industrial or non-industrial waste. .
For this, Reciclocentro Lda is equipped with adequate means, such as collection containers, hydraulic waste collection systems, fleet of vehicles for collecting and forwarding waste, which in a certain way allow us to effectively respond to customer needs.
The principles by which Reciclocentro is guided are part of a sustainability policy, not only in terms of contributing to the sustainable development of society, in terms of preserving natural environmental resources, but essentially in the application of sustainability aspects to the company.
Value Creation: promote the creation of value for our employees and managers, through the regular, continuous and efficient treatment of collected waste, as well as the generation and implementation of quality solutions.
Quality - actively engage in process innovation and quality, and in the provision of services, through the implementation of quality standards and a process of continuous training and development.