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Rap Group PC

Ethn. Antistasis 5, Corinth, Corinthia, Greece

Memberships : NA
Industry : Waste Management
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2022
About Company

Rap Group PC (Group of Companies P. & D. Rapsomatioti PC), is active in the field of integrated Municipal Solid Waste management aiming at their environmentally sound and sustainable management with every modern means, technique and technology.

Specifically, it has developed a network of companies that propose, combine and implement the provision of services utilizing all the individual streams that compose Municipal Solid Waste.

Rap Group PC cooperates with public and private sector bodies with responsibility and know-how in the direction of integrated waste management, which includes collection, transport, temporary storage and treatment of municipal and industrial solids and / or liquid hazardous and non-hazardous waste.


"For us, ecology and recycling are an act of life. With respect for fellow human beings and with the hope of a sustainable environment, we have created a business for the integrated approach to recycling and waste management. We are moving steadily towards the development of the group, while investing in research, creation, solidarity and social contribution.

Our mission is to faithfully serve the recycling industry and to promote its idea and values ​​to the general public. We seek in the future to develop more synergies, to study common ground and ways of dealing with problems and to ensure strong, fruitful and effective collaborations.

Waste management is no longer a demand but an imperative for the quality of life of modern societies. It's time to realize the joy, creativity and satisfaction that recycling materials gives to everyone involved in the chain:

To the family, friend or neighbor, recycling out of love and respect for the environment

To the Municipality, the Region, the Public or the Private body that contributes to the decongestion of the landfills, to the integrated management and to the utilization of the materials creating culture quality of life

And finally, to the employee in every field of waste management who feels the power he has in his hands to give life, to what others do not value

Contact Detials


Kokoretsa, Bolati, Corinthia, 200 06

TEL. 27410 56001

FAX: 27410 56080


Company NameRap Group PC
Business CategoryWaste Management
AddressEthn. Antistasis 5
ZIP: 201 00
Year EstablishedNA
Hours of OperationNA
Company Services
  • Collection
  • Transport
  • Temporary Storage And Treatment Of Municipal And Industrial Solids
  • Liquid Hazardous And Non-hazardous Waste.
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