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PUK Komunalac

Vojvode Stepe 20/3, , Indjija, Vojvodina , Serbia

Memberships : NA
Industry : Waste Management
Basic Member
Since Aug, 2023
About Company

PUK "Komunalac" belongs to the category of public companies and performs activities of general interest for the Municipality of Inđija.

The company was founded in 1960, and since its establishment, the Public Utility Company "Komunalac" has changed its form of organization, name and scope of work several times. The last transformation of the company took place in 1994, when the then Public Company "Budućnost" was divided into two utility companies, PUK "Komunalac" and PUK "Vodovod i Kanalizacija".

The public utility company "Komunalac" in Inđija is, by its status, a public company established to perform utility activities of general interest for all citizens and the economy. The scope of work of PUK "Komunalac" includes a number of communal activities:

maintaining cleanliness by removing waste and cleaning public areas

waste separation at the point of origin

burial and maintenance of city and village cemeteries

construction and maintenance of green areas

management of the city market,

zoohygiene affairs

sewage pumping

JKP "Komunalac" is in the category of medium enterprises. It employs 150 workers of various profiles. Work planning and development of the company is directed towards modern and market-based business in the field of providing communal services. The goal of the company is to constantly strive for modernization in order to increase the quality of the services we provide to the citizens of Inđija.

Company NamePUK Komunalac
Business CategoryWaste Management
AddressVojvode Stepe 20/3,
ZIP: 22320
Year Established1960
Hours of OperationMonday - Friday 07:00 - 3:00
Company Services
  • Waste Removal Services
  • Waste Management
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