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Pohl Inc. Of America

6161 West Double Eagle , Circle Salt, Lake City , Utah, United States

Memberships : NA
Industry : Steel/Iron
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Since Aug, 2017
About Company

In 1856, Arnoldus Pohl laid the foundation for a family business which today, some 160 years later, is an owner-managed group of companies and market leader in the field of high-quality metal facades.  Christian Pohl took the first step towards the Company's future success in 1947: After his father Heinrich assigned management responsibilities to him, he turned the existing blacksmith's and wheelwright's shop into a locksmith's shop that also processed sheet metal.  Heinrich Robert Pohl has been the executive manager since 1978, and he moved the Company's head office from the cramped premises in Niehl to the new Cologne-Fühlingen industrial estate. In the same year a big production hall was built and equipped with a modern machine pool.  The Company then developed rapidly: New production facilities were opened, existing ones were expanded and smaller competitors were taken over. Since 1987 the focus has increasingly been on international sales; only one year later Pohl Inc. of America was founded, and finally a production site that met high German quality standards was opened in Salt Lake City.  The POHL Group now comprises eight companies and has some 600 employees in Germany and abroad at seven production sites.  As an international specialist for metal facades we stand for leading-edge, sustainable building envelopes, we combine design with mature technology and always set new standards. We create an exclusive and striking look with innovative, metal surfaces and their structures. We focus our efforts on the realisation of form and function. Our aim is to give every building structure a distinctive character; we do this by perfectly executing your vision through craft and technology and creating real architecture.  Yours, Heinrich Robert Pohl

Company NamePohl Inc. Of America
Business CategorySteel/Iron
Address6161 West Double Eagle
Circle Salt
Lake City
United States
ZIP: 84108
PresidentHeinrich R. Pohl
Year EstablishedNA
Hours of OperationNA
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