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Pacific Rim Design and Development, Inc

PO BOX 146, SHINGLETOWN, California, United States

Memberships : NA
Industry : Energy
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Since Aug, 2015
About Company

Pacific Rim Design & Development is a leader in environmental science and engineering. We specialize in cost effective, GREEN, Best Available Control Technology for airborne toxic and odor abatement process development. Through progressive research and pilot testing, we provide design alternatives to conventional technology that give our clients long term solutions that keep pace with the constantly tightening of regulations specific to air quality.

Because our primary focus IS air quality, we have an edge when it comes to true problem solving in this area. Our in-depth understanding of conventional and proprietary technology provides a real advantage when it comes to creating an ideal solution customized to your business environment.

Because we are both scientists AND engineers, we are experts in in the development of creative abatement processes and BACT technology. Our solutions are more cost effective and environmentally friendly, "GREEN", than the traditional one-size-fits-all approach typically offered by environmental engineering firms.

IT IS A FACT: The world is going GREEN.

Environmental awareness now influences the way we live and do business. Ever tightening environmental regulations, despite their value, are becoming more complicated and restrictive, creating a quandary for industry.


Most environmental firms are generalists and not well versed in the highly specialized area of odor control and toxic air remediation. They hand you a pre-packaged 'fix'. While this may stave off the immediate issue, these 'fixes' often create other problems and expenses and must be 'fixed' again when the next round of regulations comes out.

Pacific Rim is different. We focus our full attention in this important and complicated area of environmental compliance. We have tools and solutions others are not aware of and do not offer, that are customized to fit your needs.

Pacific Rim's president, Dr. Robert Richardson is one of the toxic and odorous air treatment industry's most experienced leaders in municipal, commercial and industrial applications. Through ongoing research, pilot testing and full scale process confirmation, Dr. Richardson is one of the few in the industry to develop new, GREEN, Best Available Control Technology (BACT) solutions that are cost effective to operate and build.


As a Ph.D. chemist, and licensed contractor, Robert has the unique combination of attributes that bring innovative solutions to the environmental engineering table. This, coupled with over twenty years of practical experience with conventional air treatment technology system design, construction, installation, start up and testing, provides Robert with an unparalleled understanding of the options available to each client.


Although familiar with all conventional technical solutions, we prefer 'GREEN', environmentally friendly and cost effective solutions that solve your problem without creating another one. Pacific Rim understands the scientific, engineering and construction aspects of CLEAN AIR.


We take the time to understand your manufacturing process and the environmental problem BEFORE we begin crafting an ideal solution. End result: We formulate environmental solutions that are minimally invasive to your productivity and customized to fit your operation.

We are experts in negotiations with EPA and affiliated agencies. Our understanding of abatement equipment capabilities often exceeds that of agency representatives. This knowledge combined with adroit understanding of agency approved modeling and other methodology, gives Pacific Rim a decisive advantage that benefits YOU, our client.


Over 20 years of hands on experience in all areas related to this specialty gives us the ability to get it right the first time. Pacific Rim is second-to-none in our ability to discover the underlying issue behind the problems facing each client so the SOLUTION IS RIGHT ON TARGET.

Our results confirm these claims. Each link to our services includes actual examples of client solutions, complete with photos and explanations of the processes we used to effectively solve challenging problems.


Pacific Rim creates custom solutions that meet specific client needs.

When conventional air quality equipment does not resolve your problem, we have the tools to design an innovative cooperative solution that does! We offer you a single source for all phases of your air quality concerns.

While some firms try to make the same pre-packaged solution fit everyone, we recognize that not all clients are the same and a forced fit is often not the "right" fit. We take the opposite approach. View advantages and limitations of various abatement options; advantages and limitations.

Pacific Rim takes the time to truly understand YOUR situation and the environmental problem YOU face. We then create a design solution that is the right fit for YOUR business. While we are familiar with conventional technology, we are not limited by what has worked in the past. Pacific Rim is proud to offer a proactive process development laboratory and pilot testing program. Ongoing research gives us the ability to includeoptions in our design package that are not available to other firms, resulting in your ability to meet mandated compliance requirements with a cost effective and comfortable solution that addresses the mandated problem.

Pacific Rim realizes the importance of a GREEN approach to environmental compliance and at the same timenever forgets that our clients are in business to make a profit!


Pacific Rim takes the time to understand the technical aspects of your business. This allows us to create a solution will be the right fit for your operation. We also gather the technical and laboratory data necessary tohave a true understanding of your environmental problem.

  • Process Development - Pacific Rim designs solutions that incorporate optimized biological or chemical environments that address problems without excessive equipment and operational costs. Because of our ongoing research and process development our solutions are also GREEN, and abate odors or toxic compounds in ways that are friendly to the environment.
  • Because we are engineers AND scientists, we have the broad technical knowledge required to accurately determine the impact a proposed abatement solution will have on your operation. We accurately address the cost of equipment, operating costs and maintenance requirements in ways that typical firms cannot offer.


  • Meet with regulatory agencies to develop a plan that is fair to YOU.
  • Investigative testing using a mobile laboratory to accurately assess the odor, particulate or toxic compound problem.
  • Accurate study of site conditions by persons trained in architecture, construction and municipal code requirements.
  • Air Modeling using EPA approved methodology and other tools to optimize equipment sizing and Permit to Operate parameters.
  • Total equipment design package including site development and automated control, provided through plans and specifications that can be used for competitive bidding.
  • Project management and startup at completion of construction.
Company NamePacific Rim Design and Development, Inc
Business CategoryEnergy
AddressPO BOX 146
United States
ZIP: CA 96088
Year EstablishedNA
Hours of OperationNA
Company Services
  • Design Services
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