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Out Of Use NV

Lochtemanweg 40, Beringen, Limburg, Belgium

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Since Feb, 2021
About Company

Out Of Use NV was founded on September 15, 2009 by Mark Adriaenssens. 

Previously, he was operational director at the Coolrec Group for 6 WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) treatment companies in 4 countries, namely Belgium, the Netherlands, France and England.

Mark has more than 25 years of experience in the processing of WEEE for the collective systems (Recupel in Belgium, Wecycle in the Netherlands and Ecosystème in France) and B2B, in all WEEE (Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment) categories. 

With the project 'Make work of your waste' , Out of Use wants to help other companies to reconcile their economic interests and their corporate social responsibility.. That is why we do everything we can to combine environmental awareness and sustainable entrepreneurship with a healthy and profitable business activity. On a personnel level, this translates into a very conscious and consistent strategy: outsource when possible and do it yourself when necessary. For our own 15 permanent employees, we offer as many opportunities as possible to the long-term unemployed and the over 55s. Outsourcing is mainly done to organizations where employment also has a social and societal dimension. For example, Out of Use has a permit for the central prison of Leuven, we have a partnership with 'Sint Kamillus' in Bierbeek and with 'De Werkplaats' in Herent. Moreover, through the latter institution, work is offered to 13 other facilities and partners.  

Our vision

At Out Of Use we have more than 25 years of experience in the world of recycling. Recycling will allow our future generations to continue to enjoy our planet the way we do. Sustainability is central to all our activities.

Read our case that was included by the Ovam in 2017 as an inspiring case for companies that want to participate in the circular economy. Also watch the Febelfin video in which Out Of Use is presented as a service provider in the circular economy!

Out Of Use applies the principles of sustainable entrepreneurship in practice and makes maximum use of reuse.

We select for possible  reuse  of old electrical and electronic equipment from companies (servers, computers, monitors, telephones, industrial devices, etc.).

These devices are being prepared for a "second life". Selection is based on very high quality standards.

Out Of Use contributes to closing the digital divide in Belgium by focusing on reuse in Belgium and not participating in illegal exports to Africa.

Avoided CO2 emissions from reuse are:

• 1 PC = 109 kg of avoided CO2 emissions
• 1 laptop = 69 kg avoided CO2 emissions
• 1 screen = 41 kg avoided CO2 emissions
• 1 smartphone = 27 kg avoided CO2 emissions 

When old appliances are no longer eligible for reuse, Out Of Use ensures that they are  recycled  in the most ideal circumstances.

That is our contribution to limiting CO2 emissions and recovering increasingly scarce raw materials.

We also apply very strict standards for the sale and  purchase of fractions  from the dismantling of WEEE.

We only trade with registered processors.

Transparent traceability of these fractions is guaranteed until these materials become raw materials again. We also ensure that these secondary raw materials remain within Europe . We do not export to China, Asia or Africa. Europe has to purchase all its precious raw materials elsewhere: we prefer to keep the products containing those raw materials here. Moreover, we do not want to do eco-dumping. If we were to ship things to Africa, they would end up there on the waste mountain. They are recycled in Europe.

We are operational in the Benelux.

(*) The calculation is based on a model from the Technical University of Berlin (Energie- und CO2-Bilanz von PCs - Relevanz für reuse Strategies, 2005) and a preliminary European study (TREN / D1 / 40-2005, Lot3, 2007) . The model compares the environmental impact and energy consumption of reusing a computer for three years and purchasing a new computer. Emission values ​​for new production, distribution of the new product, operation, reconditioning, transport for reconditioning and recycling are included in the analysis.

Company NameOut Of Use NV
Business CategoryElectronic Waste Recycling
AddressLochtemanweg 40
ZIP: B-3580
Year Established2009
Hours of OperationEvery working day from 08:00 to 12:00 and from 12:30 to 16:00.
Company Services
  • Fine-meshed Collection
  • Reuse
  • Recycling
  • Data Destruction
  • Disassembly
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