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Olanders Recycling Tools AS

Nedre Kongerød 39, Skien, Vestfold, Norway

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Since Dec, 2021
About Company


In the 50s and 60s, the Gothenburger Uno Olander made a living as a trade traveler in the tool, machine and industrial industries. He was among the very first (if not first) to use a large ambulatory bus. With it, he drove around Halland, among other places. And Halland in particular turned out to be a good district and in 1964 he settled in Gullbrandstorp (10 km north of Halmstad).

In 1967 , the entrepreneurial spirit took over and he started a tool company under his own auspices. The company came to be called Halmstads Specialprodukter AB. Hard work meant that the business eventually grew, and had at most eleven employees.

In 1980 , Uno sold the company and only wanted to sell compressed air tools and accessories. For various reasons, however, tools, electric machines and more were also included in the range.

In 1981 , the son Ingemar (who previously "learned" at L Tingström AB in Gothenburg) follows in his father's footsteps and joins the company.

In 1982 , the company name Olanders Maskiner & Verktyg was nailed down. It took until 1985 before the company became a limited company.

In 1990 , Ingemar Olander takes over the company, although he always has his father, Uno, as an experienced ballpark. It was not until 1997 that Uno withdrew completely, as a well-deserved pensioner.

2003 Olanders becomes general agent of SEDA Umwelttechnik GmbH .

The General Agency today also includes Norway, Denmark and Finland.

2010 Patrik Olander starts as the third generation at Olanders AB

2015 Olanders restructures its operations and invests 100% as a leading supplier to the car and metal recycling industry.

in the same vein, the name is also changed to Olanders Recycling Tools .

2016 Olanders Recycling Tools AB starts a subsidiary.

Olanders Recycling Tools AS in Skien with Jon Fougner as general manager.

Today , the company is financially stable and has great faith in the future. With Ingemar's 40 years in the industry, many valuable contacts have been created with both customers and suppliers.

Our business concept

Sales to professional users and to provide the market's best products at competitive prices. All in combination with very high service.

Contact Detials


Margaretagatan 19 302 67 Halmstad

Tel: +46 (0) 35-10 95 15


Company NameOlanders Recycling Tools AS
Business CategoryScrap Metal Recycling
AddressNedre Kongerød 39
ZIP: 3737
Year EstablishedNA
Hours of OperationMonday - Friday 12am-12pm
Company Services
  • Metal Recycling
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