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Obermeyer Hydro, Inc

P.O. Box 668 , Fort Collins, United States

Memberships : NA
Industry : Energy
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Since May, 2015
About Company

About Obermeyer Hydro

History of Obermeyer Hydro, Inc.

Obermeyer Hydro is headquartered in Northern Colorado and has been a leading innovator in the field of water control technology for over 25 years. We succeed by supplying millions of people throughout the world with enhanced water supply, irrigation, hydropower and flood control. We excel at applying disruptive technology to quality of life projects worldwide.

Obermeyer Control Systems

OBERMEYER spillway gates and inflatable dams are supplied with control systems in accordance with customer requirements. Each control system includes a controlled source of compressed air and a means for controlled venting of air form the air bladders. All automatic systems also include provision for local manual control. With the exception of solar powered systems, each system includes an air compressor, a receiver tank, and various control valves. Most systems, especially those subject to freezing conditions, include air dryers.

Water Turbines

OBERMEYER HYDRO designs and manufactures patented gates and bulkheads that incorporate arrays of compact submersible turbine generator sets. These systems comprise complete hydropower plants that may be installed in existing water control structures without cofferdam construction, without excavation work nor associated geologic risk, and without expensive new concrete structures. Examples of structures well suited to economical hydropower development using Obermeyer Hydro's technology include flood control reservoir outlet works and navigation locks and dams.

For generation at flood control outlet works variable speed operation may be used to obtain state-of-the-art efficiency over seasonally varying head conditions. The lower head limit at flood control structures is only a function of economics. The maximum head limit is a function of equipment (especially generator) weight and is typically around 50 meters or approximately 160 feet. The relative advantage of incorporating T-G sets into gates and bulkheads also diminishes at higher heads due to the already favorable economics of conventional hydropower stations at medium head.

For generation at navigation locks and dams and at other dams with high flow rates the lower head limit is likewise only a function of economics. Technically 1 meter may be exploited. Local power purchase rates may place the lower head limit in the 3 to 5 meter range. Structures providing discharge at or below tailwater elevation with heads in the 4 meter to 12 meter range are ideally suited for this technology. The upper head limit of perhaps 50 meters is a result of generator weight and relative economics compared to conventional hydropower stations at medium head.

Obermeyer Hydro endeavors to design and supply the very highest quality inflatable dams available. Made in the United States, Obermeyer inflatable dams are supported by extensive engineering analysis and are custom designed to incorporate seamless construction, steel reinforcement (as standard), minimized stress concentrations, minimal or zero creases, robust flow separation control, and superior clamping.

Applications include replacement of legacy rubber dams and new installations where the precise flow and level control of OBERMEYER pneumatically operated spillway gates are not required. Legacy clamping systems may be reused or, alternatively, the superior self tightening Obermeyer wedge clamp system may be fitted to existing anchor bolts. Additional applications include groundwater recharge, water quality check structures, waste water control structures, hydropower impoundments, and for use in combination Obermeyer pneumatically operated spillway gates.

OBERMEYER is providing in-house-designed water turbines for a 2.2 MW power plant on the Ball Mountain Dam in Jamaica, VT and a 0.9 MW power plant on the Townshend Dam in Townshend, VT. Both dams are Army Corps of Engineers flood control dams on the West River in southern Vermont. OBERMEYER's innovative turbine design provides an effective way to harness the energy-generating potential of the existing Army Corps of Engineers flood control dams.

Obermeyer Hydro manufactures a full line of products to create configurable whitewater features for kayaks, rafts, and standing-wave surfers. The features can be re-configured in minutes to vary the difficulty of a particular feature without having to wade into the water.

In addition to inflatable rocks and adjustable gates, Obermeyer Hydro can supply a complete adjustable spillway gate system to provide water level or flow regulation in conjunction with your whitewater park.

Company NameObermeyer Hydro, Inc
Business CategoryEnergy
AddressP.O. Box 668
Fort Collins
United States
ZIP: CO 80522
Year EstablishedNA
Hours of OperationNA
Company Services
  • Water Turbines
  • Pneumatically Actuated Gates
  • Inflatable Dams (without Gate Panels)
  • Drive-over Water Control Gates
  • Inflatable Tunnel Boring Machine (tbm) Seals
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