MuniRem® is a mature and award winning technology utilizing reduction chemistry to:
instantly neutralize and degrade explosives and chemical warfare materiels (CWM), while also stabilizing metals as the insoluble metal sulfides. MuniRem is a solution for a broad range of explosives and munitions constituents including Mustard (CWM), HMX, RDX, TNT, TNR, DNTs, ADNTs, NBs, NDMA, Black Powder, Lead Styphnate, Nitrocellulose, Nitroguanidine, PETN, PBX and reactive Aluminum. The very short cleanup time and closeout associated with this technology eliminates the O&M costs (30 – 50% savings) associated with other remediation technologies.
MuniRem applications have supported demilitarization and remediation projects at United States Department of Defense installations, Canada, Australia, Taiwan and private industry sites.
MuniRem® formulations and applications are tailored to each site to ensure optimum performance and desired results. It can be applied as a solid or aqueous solution to achieve optimal and desirable results.
- Contaminated soils treatment involves mixing MuniRem® powder into the soils and adding water to achieve in-situ or ex-situ remediation
- Groundwater remediation involves injection of the MuniRem® solution into the site groundwater to instantly degrade the dissolved contaminants and create permeable reactive aquifer solids for long-term treatment of the plume
- Decontamination applications involve spraying the MuniRem® solution on building walls, large equipment and scrap metals (including bombs shells, bomb components, projectiles); and soaking small sized equipment in MuniRem® baths
- Alternative to Open Burn/Open Detonation involves application of MuniRem® in solution or powder form to neutralize bulk explosives and destroy residual explosives in different materials
The different formulations for MuniRem are listed below.
- MuniRem-R811E
- MuniRem-R541E
- MuniRem-R811FE