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Metal Building Systems, LLC

2217 Twilight Drive, Dyersburg, Tennessee, United States

Memberships : NA
Industry : Steel/Iron
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Since Dec, 2019
About Company

Metal Building Systems, LLC arose out of 54 years and a plethora of experience in the metal building industry. That experience in building fabrication, estimating, erection of steel buildings, management, and design plus our proven sales record. Our association with successful metal building manufacturers during the past 54 years removes risk and frustrations for our customers and assures them the best steel building at a competitive price.

Integrity is our rule for doing business - and all of our efforts are to that end. We offer and excel at service, knowledge of product, and competitive prices.


Metal Building Systems is dedicated to furnishing expert, technologically advanced metal buildings to our customers. With unsurpassed customer service, we strive to attain the highest levels of customer service in our industry. Metal Building Systems' philosophy was founded on the belief that its customers should have the highest quality and most advanced pre-engineered system.


At Metal Building Systems, the creativity with which we approach design and cost, the enthusiasm we bring to your team, and the flexibility we provide to mesh with owner’s needs is what makes the difference between Metal Building Systems and other metal building providers. We meet with you when you are ready to order. We are on-site when your metal building is delivered, during the erection, and at the end to see the building is correct. Our primary sales areas are Mississippi and Tennessee. We have sold and worked with customers in 13 US States since 1972.

Company NameMetal Building Systems, LLC
Business CategorySteel/Iron
Address2217 Twilight Drive
United States
ZIP: 38024
Year Established1972
Hours of OperationNA
Company Services
  • Pre-engineered Metal Buildings
  • Fabrication | Estimating | Erection Of Steel Buildings
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