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Mepex Consult AS

Torvveien 5 N-1383 Asker, Norway, Lier, , Norway

Memberships : NA
Industry : Energy
Basic Member
Since Mar, 2015
About Company

Mepex is a leading Norwegian consultancy specialized within waste management and recycling. Our consultants have high competence combined with broad experience from the waste management sector, including industry, recycling systems and relevant authorities. We follow projects from the planning stage until implementation. Our consultants might also act as management for hire. Practical experience from contracts, business development and operations are used as basis for the planning of new projects.

Independent consulting

Mepex works at all levels of the waste hierarchy and also along the whole value chain. We offer comprehensive and independent consulting. Mepex customers includes authorities, municipalities and municipal waste companies, private businesses and waste management companies, recycling systems, organisations and R&D institutions. Norway is our primary market, but we also have projects in the Nordic Region and in Europe. This gives us an unique understanding of the entire waste management industry and its opportunities and challenges. Our key values are high integrity, presence, solidity and innovation.
Network of partnersMepex intends to be a strategic partner for our clients. We closely follow the regulatory framework, markets, technology and best practice solutions. Mepex also has an extensive network of other consultancies, both in Norway and abroad, used as project partners and sub contractors.

Waste management industry helps to close the loop 

Previously, the value chain was a straight line from raw material to landfill. The waste industry was the last link in the chain of the former throw -away society. Now the value chain again has become a cycle, characterized by a cradle to cradle thinking. The waste industry is one of many players working together within this circular economy.

This cradle to cradle thinking is essential to increase resource efficiency in society and reduce our impact on climate and the environment. As a result of these changes the waste management industry has been given a more important role in society. In this new role it is crucial to cooperate and thus joining up the value chain.

Mepex Consult AS has completed more than 800 projects for clients in Norway and abroad since
1994. Some references are listed to the right on this page. Below follows more information about
recent key projects. Contact us for more information. .
Sentral sortingplant for MSW and source seperated paper waste
2012-2013 Mepex conducted a pre-study on behalf of IVAR with the aim to establish a sentral sorting plant for MSW and source seperated paper waste.The sorting plant includes a washing fasility for sepeated plastic waste. Basted on the findings in the pre-study the board of IVAR determined to build such a plant.
Mepex Consult assisted with the tendering for construction and will project mangement for electro mechanical deliveries.
The consutruction in schedueled to summer 2015.
Company NameMepex Consult AS
Business CategoryEnergy
AddressTorvveien 5 N-1383 Asker, Norway
Year Established1988
Hours of OperationNA
Company Services
  • Feasibility Studies And Pre-projects
  • Tendering Processes And Contracts
  • Project Management
  • Technical Audits
  • Quality Systems
  • Maintenance And Operating Systems
  • Organize Plant Visits And Seminars
  • Waste Statistics
  • Waste Sorting Analyses
  • Environmental And Climate Caclulations
  • Market Analysis
  • Integrated Waste Management Plans
  • Strategies And Actions Plans
  • Develop Extended Producer Responsibility Schemes
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