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Letbæk Plast A/S

Hornevej 18 , Tistrup, Southern Denmark, Denmark

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Since Aug, 2023
About Company

Our Promise

At Letbek we believe that sustainable business makes the world a better place. And we believe that considering plastic a circular resource allows us to address challenges without causing new problems.

In fact, we know it is possible because we have founded a viable company on this very belief. A company which, in cooperation with its customers, uses plastic as a circular resource to address both theirs, and the world’s, challenges one solution at a time.

We recycle and upcycle plastic from industries and oceans and use it to solve the challenges presented to us by our customers. Decades of curiosity, ingenuity, craftmanship and skill have granted us an unparalleled expertise in disassembling plastic into fractions and recombining them into new materials. We use those materials to invent new products and solutions which our customers, and the world, need.

We strive to always ship products that we will welcome back. Because once they have outlived their purpose, we need them back again. And again. And again …

This is why we create products which can either be recycled directly or easily disassembled, sorted, and recycled. And although we welcome them back, we primarily design them to last as long as possible. This is the very essence of sustainability – and of common sense.

To us sustainability, circular economy and upcycling are far from meaningless buzzwords and platitudes. They are the very foundation on which we have built our company. Which, by the way, we did long before anyone had invented the words. Back then we just called it common sense. We still do by the way, because where we come from, we do not throw away what can be used again. The world needs this common-sense approach more than ever, and there is nothing wrong with running a business on driving the world in a more sustainable direction. 

When we think about it and help each other out, plastic becomes a circular resource which can be utilised to address challenges and problems rather than create them. It can make the world better without destroying it. The more who, like us, consider plastic a circular resource, the stronger the effort to prevent pollution of nature and the deterioration of our climate as a consequence of plastic production and consumption.

Some customers choose us primarily because we know our craft and deliver good quality products. Others choose us primarily because we can tackle the challenges and create the solutions that they themselves cannot. And some choose us, because we contribute to making them more sustainable.

Regardless of the approach, we work and strive for a world in which plastic is used to create solutions without causing problems.


We work and strive for a world in which plastic is regarded as an indispensable, innovative and sustainable solution to challenges, whenever the material makes sense.


Together with our customers, we use plastic as a circular resource to solve their, and the world's, challenges. One solution at a time.

Company NameLetbæk Plast A/S
Business CategoryPlastic Recycling
AddressHornevej 18
Southern Denmark
ZIP: 6862
Year Established1973
Hours of OperationNA
Company Services
  • Plastic Up- & Re-cycling
  • Re-engineering Plastic
  • Re-imagining Plastic
  • Re-applying Plastic
  • Concept Development
  • 3d-printing & Prototyping
  • Plastic Waste Management Systems
  • Re-cycling Partnerships
  • Injection Moulding
  • Pressure Moulding
  • Polyurethane (pur) Moulding
  • And Extrusion
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