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Hawkins Wright Ltd

2A Blake Mews Kew, , Richmond, , Surrey, United Kingdom

Memberships : NA
Industry : Energy
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Since Apr, 2015
About Company

Hawkins Wright is an independent consultancy providing a range of strategic, forecasting, market intelligence and business information services to the international forest products and bioenergy industries. 

Since 1982 Hawkins Wright has provided authoritative and cost-effective services based on in-depth research of the global forest, pulp & paper and bioenergy industries. These services include private consultancy assignments covering a full range of marketing and strategic subjects as well as regular multi-client reports and newsletters.

Our consultancy services build on our global perspective of the macro- and micro-economic trends driving the international forest industry and downstream product markets. Assignments can range from advice on a client's business development or feedstock sourcing strategies to highly detailed market feasibility assessments of prospective projects.

Our regular and multi-client reports and services include...
Pulpwatch, a monthly analysis of developments in the global market pulp industry
The Outlook for Market Pulp, providing forecasts of world market pulp demand, supply, costs and prices
Defining the China Market for Pulp Paper and Board, a uniquely detailed analysis of the Chinese pulp and paper industry
Forest Energy Monitor, covering the factors driving the rapidly expanding biomass and wood pellet markets
Our client list includes leading pulp and paper manufacturers from around the world, energy companies, forest owners, pulp, paper and biomass agents and traders, financial institutions, equipment and raw material suppliers, and national, state and provincial governments and agencies.

The pulp market is dynamic and complex and the factors driving the market are often obscured by a lack of price transparency. The Pulpwatch market commentary interprets and puts into context the constantly changing balances in the pulp market, essential to an understanding of the market’s likely future direction. 

Other regular sections of the newsletter include a commentary on pulp derivative markets (swaps and futures), the impact of exchange rates and developments in printing and writing paper markets. 
In an Industry focus section each month, Pulpwatch focuses on developments that are changing the shape of the industry. The coverage includes, for example, in-depth analysis of important pulp producing or consuming markets; the impact of investment plans on regional and world pulp and paper supply/demand balances; and the influence of changing raw material costs and exchange rates on producers' competitive advantages. 
The Key statistics section of Pulpwatch is the most timely and comprehensive source of publicly available pulp and paper market data. The monthly data series include: 
  • Paper makers converting margins by region 
  • Printing and writing paper shipments by region 
  • Demand for bleached chemical market pulp by grade
  • Demand for bleached chemical market pulp by region 
  • Shipments of bleached chemical market pulp by region of origin 
  • Production of bleached chemical market pulp by region 
  • Pulp producers’ operating rates 
  • Producers’ inventories of bleached chemical pulp by grade 
  • Consumers’ inventories of purchased pulp by region 
  • The ratio of pulp shipments to inventories 
  • Days supply represented by producers’ stocks 
  • China’s imports of pulp by grade 
  • Global average wood fibre price by quarter 
  • Market pulp price indications (35 pulp price series are updated monthly) 


The market for bioenergy continues to grow extraordinarily quickly. Meeting ambitious targets for renewable energy will require ever larger quantities of forest biomass to be mobilised, potentially matching the volume of wood currently used by some traditional forest based industries. As a result, energy wood, and particularly wood pellets, are becoming internationally traded commodities. 
This aspect of the market is sometimes poorly covered by existing publications. Forest Energy Monitor fills this gap by taking an analytical approach to the development of global biomass and pellet markets.
Forest Energy Monitor is now published twelve times a year, with six 'main' reports supplemented by six 'interim' reports. The coverage is global, but the focus is Europe and North America. Each issue addresses three main themes: 
  • Developments in forest biomass and pellet markets. This includes detailed coverage of market prices for energy wood and pellets, as well as biomass cost/price drivers such as forest and sawmill activity, freight rates, currencies, fossil energy markets and competition from non-wood biomass. 
  • The feedstock implications of new investments and technologies. For example, the feedstock requirements of the many biomass power plants planned for the UK, Europe and North America. Other subjects will include wood pellet capacity growth; the status of wood-based biofuel technologies; shipping and logistic infrastructure; plantation investments in Africa, Latin America and Asia; and biorefinery developments at pulp and paper mills, etc. 
  • National and international policies and legislation. The report follows the development of renewable energy policies and changes to incentives and regulations that have an impact on biomass and pellet demand and supply. 


Company NameHawkins Wright Ltd
Business CategoryEnergy
Address2A Blake Mews Kew,
United Kingdom
Year Established1982
Hours of OperationNA
Company Services
  • Pulp & Paper
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