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Grotex Recycling GmbH

Dr.-Alfred-Herrhausen-Allee 34, Duisburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

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Since Mar, 2021
About Company

As a company, we can look back on more than 20 years of experience in the used clothing and shoe sector.

In 1993 Thomasz Gromowski recognized the possibilities of taking back and recycling clothing and developed collection concepts and recycling options.

With many ideas and different partners, these were implemented and the collection steadily expanded.

In 2012-2013, the sole proprietorship was transformed into Grotex Recycling GmbH and important development steps were taken with additional employees, a new location and the due certification as a waste management company.

We are currently very well positioned with our business areas of collection, sorting and marketing in a rapidly developing market, we are working with efficient partners and are ready for the next growth steps.

Tomasz Gromowski was initially the managing director and head of the company, Dorota Gromowska is responsible for sorting and Markus Ludewig is responsible for development.

Since January 1st, 2019 Ms. Dorota Gromowska has taken over the management.

We all have over 20 years of experience with all the ups and downs in the used clothing sector and together with our employees we are excellently equipped for the future.

Company NameGrotex Recycling GmbH
Business CategoryTextile Recycling
AddressDr.-Alfred-Herrhausen-Allee 34
ZIP: 47228
Year EstablishedNA
Hours of OperationNA
Company Services
  • Used Clothing And Shoe Sector
  • Collection
  • Sorting And Marketing
  • Recycling
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