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GreenFire Energy Inc

4300 Horton Street, Unit 15, Emeryville, California, United States

Memberships : NA
Industry : Geothermal
Basic Member
Since Nov, 2016
About Company

ECO2G accesses heat in the deep, very high temperature, low-permeability, “plastic zone” of the earth. This resource is so large that ECO2G can economically provide the majority of power for some states and countries.

ECO2G is made possible by using advanced drilling technology from the oil and gas industry to create a closed-loop system that circulates supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) instead of water. Due to its unique properties, sCO2 produces substantially more power than water. ECO2G also takes advantage of the small but powerful and fast-response sCO2 turbines recently developed by the power industry.

Delivers Grid-Scale Electric Power

The modular standardized architecture of ECO2G makes geothermal power generation for the first time a predictable, large-scale and repetitive industrial technology that will produce power at competitive prices estimated to be $0.05-$0.10 per kWh, depending on the project. Business risk and costs are reduced by drilling many wells in closely-spaced configurations. ECO2G is complementary to existing hydrothermal projects and can be co-located to reduce risk, cost and time-to-revenue.

Provides Continuous Yet Flexible Power

Using the earth as its battery, ECO2G generates continuous renewable energy. ECO2G’s modular architecture and quick response sCO2 turbines allow the flexibility to meet changing demand on short notice and without requiring energy storage. This unique combination of continuous, yet quickly variable output makes ECO2G ideal to complement intermittent and unpredictable renewables, such as wind and solar.

Environmentally Superior

ECO2G is the most environmentally friendly form of grid-scale power. There are no greenhouse gas emissions, waste streams, explosives, dangerous checmicals, visual obstruction, or risk of induced seismicity or surface subsidence. Because ECO2G has the smallest profile and footprint per MW output of all renewable energy technologies it is particularly safe for wildlife.

ECO2G™ Reinvents Geothermal

ECO2G not only accesses heat that conventional technologies can’t reach, but transforms the geothermal industry business model. In essence, ECO2G converts the geothermal business from a series of high risk, slow payout projects to a profitable, predictable, and repetitive industrial process.

ECO2G will enable geothermal power to compete effectively in the global market for clean, dependable power generation:

Can produce twice the power as compared to water with the right conditions
Estimated production cost of $0.05 to $0.10 per KWH depending on the site
Makes geothermal generation possible on a larger scale both in the U.S. and worldwide.
Provides 95% availability, secure, baseload power, 24/7 to stabilize the grid and enable states to meet Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards
Flexible power output with short ramp times
Robust and reliable power for special high value applications

ECO2G offers superior returns at lower risk than conventional geothermal

Because permeability is not a requirement, drilling risk is substantially reduced; up to 50% of conventional wells fail to produce
Avoids production loss from rapid thermal depletion or closed fractures
Can rehabilitate some failed or underperforming hydrothermal projects
Co-location with hydrothermal projects shortens time to revenue
Directly benefits from cost reductions in oil and gas technology
Modular design reduces risk and increases flexibility

Company NameGreenFire Energy Inc
Business CategoryGeothermal
Address4300 Horton Street
Unit 15
United States
ZIP: 94608
PresidentJoseph Scherer
Year Established2010
Hours of OperationNA
Company Services
  • Renewable Energy
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***Chief Executive OfficerLocked content
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***Sr. Vice President, Business DevelopmentLocked content
***Principal Research Scientist, Co-FounderLocked content
***Senior Consulting Geologist, Co-FounderLocked content
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