GPR Sp. zoo currently produces its own rubber granules from hard rubber waste, which are used in the production of:
- tires for garbage containers
- speed bumps and grounds for marking public works.
Rubber and plastic products are made in 95% of plastic waste. Annually, GPR recycle in this way up to 17,000 tons of rubber and plastic waste, obtained mainly from Polish companies but also from abroad.
The company Guma i Plastik Recysling Sp. z o. o. has quality and environmental certificates:
- ISO 9001: 2008 - for the production of rubber and plastic products
- ISO 14001: 2004 - on the environmental management system.
The goal of Guma i Plastik Recycling Sp. Z o. O. Is to achieve the highest quality products and services, while acting to protect the natural environment. The functioning of the company based on a certain mission and integrated management systems: ISO 9001: 2001 and ISO 14001: 2004, ensures its high position on the Polish and global market. This is reflected in the systematically increasing number of contractors. Expanding production, reducing its costs and increasing the number of assortments produced make us become competitors for global companies.
Our main goal is:
1. Manufacturing products of the highest quality, which we implement through:
- Modernization and improvement of machines - we use reliable machines that work in automated systems;
- Choosing only the best raw materials and materials for production;
- Cooperation with regular and proven suppliers from all over Poland;
- Systematic improvement of employees' qualifications through training, mainly in the field of the company's quality policy;
- Implementation of new raw materials for production in order to increase production and reduce its costs;
- Gradual implementation of new technologies, thanks to which we become a leader in the world market;
- The current organizational structure of the company, in which everyone takes their place and performs their duties;
- Improving the social background of the company and relations with employees in order to ensure their pleasant and comfortable work;
- Applying incentive systems for all employees in order to intensify their activities for safety and quality;
- Involvement of all personnel in meeting the requirements of procedures, quality standards, safety standards and regulations;
- Focusing on quality and customer, not profit, which is only a confirmation of customer satisfaction with our product.
2. Protection of the natural environment. We are aware of the company's impact on the environment, caused by the emission of pollutants, water and energy consumption. Therefore, for the sake of our employees and the natural environment, we take steps to protect them by:
- Keep pollutant emissions low by developing pollution containment techniques;
- The use of materials and raw materials which are waste rubber and plastics
- Effective and economical management of raw materials, energy and water;
- Compliance with the regulations and legal acts concerning Health and Safety at Work and Environmental Protection
- Conducting environmentally friendly waste management: e.g. waste segregation, recycling or utilization;
- Prevention of extraordinary environmental threats;
- Systematic actions improving the state of environmental protection, providing funds for pro-ecological investments, improving the environmental management system and OHS
- Connecting environmental policy with production processes;
- Raising awareness of staff through training and information on actions taken.