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P.O. Box 5 , Sonoma, California, United States

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Industry : Energy
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Since Jul, 2015
About Company

GeoPraxis Inc., an energy efficiency research and development consultancy, has led the design and development of some of the demand-side management industry’s most innovative and successful information technologies and programs.

GeoPraxis provides expert market research and program design, implementation, and evaluation consulting services to energy utilities, government agencies, and private industry.

GeoPraxis also operates the Energy Design Resources Program, on behalf of California's leading energy utilities, and™, America's first and most popular Home Energy Rating service for existing home inspectors, REALTORS®, and their clients.


At GeoPraxis, Inc. our expertise in market research, energy information services, and energy programs meets the rigorous research and development needs of sophisticated resource market companies, research organizations, utilities and policy-making bodies.

What our past, current, and future clients all have in common is a keen appreciation for the value of reliable analyses of their energy and resource consumption - or that of their customers and competitors. At GeoPraxis, we pride ourselves on meeting clients' high expectations, providing advanced and defensible research, strategic recommendations, useful training seminars, and creative software solutions.

GeoPraxis and our outstanding network of strategic partners work together to provide consulting services in three key and integrated areas of applied science:

Market Research
Energy Information Services
Energy Programs
We also offer an advanced assortment of powerful and easy-to-use utility program marketing web tools and easy-to-use home energy inspection Software Products.
At present, three powerful trends are driving demand for the information-rich products and services that are made possible by our synergy of skills. These trends are:

The ongoing revolution in information technologies, and the effects of human adaptations to these new tools which is changing the nature of work and the organization of commerce on a global scale
The fundamental restructuring of the electricity and gas markets, opening global opportunities for new products and services in an industry that has resisted change for far longer than other segments of the economy.
The increasing recognition by policy makers and business leaders that quantitative assessments of finite resource and energy flows are needed to manage risks and to identify opportunities.
To match and manage these forces, you need the very best tools and information, and you need them now.

GeoPraxis, Inc. is all about putting the best ideas to work for the most effective use of limited resources.

In Greek "Geo" means Earth and "Praxis" means Action, the exercise of an art, science, skill, or practice. At GeoPraxis, our work enables people and organizations across the planet to better understand and manage their resource use. Understanding how we use resources is the first step to taking control and managing their associated costs and risks.

Relying on the synergy of our market assessment, engineering and information technology skills, we devise practical solutions to the challenges in a world of growing technical complexity and finite resources. We serve the full range of private market, governmental, and non-profit organizations now converging in a deregulating global marketplace. And we package our capabilities in the form of software tools, reports, training seminars, or process improvements that continue to meet our clients needs long after our consulting engagements have ended.

Our Mission

Our mission at GeoPraxis is to combine our expertise in market research, energy information services, and energy programs to devise practical and innovative solutions to the information and decision-making challenges our clients face in a world of growing technical complexity and finite resources. We are dedicated to cutting edge, meaningful work aimed at ensuring that our clients' investments in human, capital and natural resources become fruitful, reciprocal and sustainable.

GeoPraxis is focused in three areas of practice:

 Market Research

Energy Information Services
Energy Programs





Company NameGeoPraxis
Business CategoryEnergy
AddressP.O. Box 5
United States
PresidentThomas P. Conlon
Year EstablishedNA
Hours of OperationNA
Company Services
  • Market Research
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