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Calle Chopo 51 Nicomedes Garcia Industrial Estate, Valverde del Majan, Segovia, Spain

Memberships : NA
Industry : Waste Management
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2023
About Company

FOSIMPE was born in 2005 with the aim of regenerating the concept of waste management in the province of Segovia and with a view to exporting materials, mainly plastic waste. With a modern mentality and a young and dynamic team we soon made a name for ourselves in the sector.

Our main motivation is to provide a quality service and thanks to good commercial work and the flexibility we offer, we have expanded our client portfolio to neighboring provinces.

Currently, FOSIMPE has three business lines:

– Management of non-hazardous waste.

– National and international trading.

– Provision of services in client companies.

Given the volume of business achieved in international trading , in 2014 we opened a commercial office in Shanghai, which is the link between our headquarters and the Asian market, where our main foreign clients are located.

From the beginning we work with the leading companies in each sector and our work with these clients serves as a reference and experience to continuously improve the service we provide.

In November 2015, FOSIMPE received the Sello Real de Paños" Award for the Exporting Company , thus recognizing FOSIMPE's leadership in the recycling and recovery sector. The award underlines the penetration of the company in the Asian market, especially China.

Our objective is continuous improvement, which is why we have implemented an Integrated Management System based on the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards , obtaining the certification in June 2016. All the steps carried out have always had the objective of renewing the operation of the company, streamlining processes, acquiring new machinery as well as qualified personnel, reaching more than 35 workers.

Our business policy has always been based on innovation and quality of service to achieve our objectives and set new goals, always with the aim of achieving high customer satisfaction. This policy has led us to obtain the maximum sales figure in 2015.

We believe in the duty to care for our natural environment, in constant work and effort.

Company NameFOSIMPE
Business CategoryWaste Management
AddressCalle Chopo 51 Nicomedes Garcia Industrial Estate
Valverde del Majan
ZIP: 40140
Year Established2005
Hours of OperationSun - Sat 12 am - 12 pm
Company Services
  • Trading Of Plastic Products
  • Industrial Waste Management
  • Cleaning And Unclogging Service
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