Our competitors' products cannot cope with today's approaches of integrated strategy, brand, reporting and true engagement, resulting in an accumulation of un-intuitive database/dashboard systems, layers of PowerPoint, Excel, multiple PDF documents and disconnected expensive web graphics.
The FigBytes cloud-based sustainability platform handles all of your data, performs all your calculations and presents brilliantly engaging visualizations of your aspirations and achievements tailored for every engagement medium.
Data management capabilities far beyond our competitors.
Our data management modules are uniquely capable of managing the full breadth of your data requirements, (from hard, objective environmental data to softer CSR metrics), at a depth far greater than the first generation of sustainability/EHS/CSR software.
“FigBytes has several advantages over the legacy system, and many of its competitors, that helped address our challenges. FigBytes automates emission factor management and has the ability to recalculate GHG when emission factors were updated by the EPA and IEA. We also like the system’s flexibility in tracking many different facility variables including the various forms of renewable energy; and being able to attribute a facility’s electricity usage to various Akamai services so we can analyze our GHG emissions by service. Our ability to easily expand our scope of management from energy and GHG emissions to other areas such as water, electronic waste, employee training hours was also important. Overall, very good value for our money.”
Nicole Peill-Moelter, Director of Environmental Sustainability, Akamai Technologies
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Data transformed into beautifully simple information.
FigByte's next generation software is the only software platform in the market that allows Sustainability, CSR, EHS leaders to create truly integrated and communicable strategies.
"This is poetry! This is how I always dreamed it could be! I love it. I mean I really love it!"
Head of Global Sustainability, Major Multinational Client
Sustainability Strategy
Create brilliant visualizations of your strategy
Engage colleagues by mapping performance and rewards to the strategy, and "all the other stuff" they do
Excite stakeholders with 21st century communications
One touch reporting for GRI, IIRC, SASB, CDP - with stunning graphics
Carbon & Energy
Manage carbon within a holistic sustainability mandate
Ability to scrape utility bills from utility websites
Distributed data capture to multiple users and locations
Granular asset-level management
Auditor functionality to external and internal oversight
Water Risk Management
Move beyond traditional consumption based methodologies to a virtual impact model (UN Water Mandate, The Water Footprint Network, ISO 14046)
Blue, Grey, Green water footprints
Process and non-process based impacts
Forecast future impacts and risks
Auto generation of water program reports (CDP Water, GRI)
Health & Safety
Health & Safety metrics with multiple reporting channels
Auto-notifications based on pre-defined and custom event triggers
Investigation forms and workflows from initiation to closure
Complete audit trail
CSR Metrics
Track both quantifiable and "soft" CSR metrics on a single platform
Choose from pre-defined sustainability metrics or create any customized metric applicable to your organization
Engage individuals through tasks and project management
Real-time framework reporting (e.g. GRI, SASB, CDP, etc.)
Gamification - engage employees through rewards
Project management for sustainability
Accountability through task assignments and status updates
Social collaboration for internal and external audiences