Who we are
Express Environmental Service, Inc.
Express Environmental Services, Inc. ffis a company that is committed to helping construction sites adhere to stringent NPDES Clean Water Act standards for Storm Water Phase II regulations. Through the use of BMPs (Best Management Practices) which have been installed correctly and maintained on a regular schedule, we are able to ensure consistent protection of the storm drainage systems and water ways. The inspections performed on the site are by trained and certified technicians. With these BMPs in place compliance to Federal, State and local standards are sure to be met.
• DBE Certified
• ECS certified –UDOT
Established as Inc. in February 2006
Sediment-laden runoff has been shown to result in the loss of in-stream habitats for fish and other aquatic species, an increased difficulty in filtering drinking water, the loss of drinking water storage capacity, and the negative impacts on the navigational capacity of waterways (EPA833-F-00-001, January, 2000 Storm Water Phase II Fact Sheet 1.0).
EES was established as an Inc. in February of 2006 for the purpose of protecting one of our most valued natural resources, water. Construction sites are known to be areas of erosion and sediment contamination. Those sediments and other contaminants are often left to wash down the storm inlets into our lakes, rivers, steams and other water ways. EES was created to help in the prevention of storm water pollution.
Who we work with
We are currently working with several general contractors in the commercial, residential and roadway sectors of the construction industry. We would be pleased to help you with any project in need of our expertise.
- Commercial Contractors
- Residential Contractors
- Municipalities
What we do
Express Environmental Services, Inc. was created for the express purpose of SWPPP compliance. We install, maintain and customize our services to your needs. We offer a wide range of services for those seeking help with Phase II compliance. The development of the SWPPP is the first step necessary in this process and can be planned out and produced by the Express Environmental Services' team.
We also offer installation packages required on the project site. From silt fence to concrete washouts and erosion control blankets to inlet protection, The variety of materials we use for these BMPs are both traditional such as the straw bale and cutting edge like geotextile fabrics that can biodegrade over time. Whatever the specification on the job site we can meet the need. As the project progresses things often change and do not go as planned. We have the flexibility to go with the flow and make the changes required on the SWPPP and in practice.
Maintenance of these BMPs is one of the most critical components of the SWPPP. Even if they are installed correctly the environment of the site can quickly erode the integrity of the BMP.
Another aspect of the SWPPP is the Inspection of the project site to ensure and make note of any damage, deficiencies, and changes that need to be made. These inspections are performed on a regular schedule according to the specification of the SWPPP.
We are knowledgeable, efficient and cost effective with BMPs needed for the construction industry whether commercial or residential. We can customize our services to the specific needs of the project. We can supply one area of service or combine them into one SWPPP package.