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2123 Foster Avenue, Wheeling, Illinois, United States
Exact tool has a unique niche in the manufacturing world. We are a metal stamper and a zinc die caster. To make long story short, many years ago we started producing a multitude of lock components. Locks contain many stamped and zinc die cast parts so we decided to expand and manufacture both metal stampings and zinc die castings to provide more of a one-stop shop for our customers. Exact Tool is not just limited to making parts for the lock industry. Exact Tool manufactures many types of zinc die castings, metal stampings and tools for all types of industries. Exact Tool builds it’s own high quality molds and stamping dies maintain control of the manufacturing process. All of Exact Tool’s products are all manufactured in the USA in our midwest Wheeling, Illinois facilities.
On the stamping side, some of the things Exact Tool manufactures are progressive dies, lock components, such as, key blanks, steel cams, spring clips, retaining rings, brass tumbler wafers, back plates, and washers. Exact Tool also produces many stamped parts outside the security industry. Steel mounting brackets for computer / electronic circuit boards, stamped parts for office products, cabinet enclosures.
For die casting, Exact Tool produces it’s own molds to run in it’s Techmire™ four slide & conventional zinc die casting machines. Exact Tool casts parts for the lock industry, including lock plugs and barrels. Exact Tool also produces zinc castings for construction equipment, transportation equipment, electronics and many other areas.
Exact Tool builds plastic injection molds to produce parts to compliment it’s metal stamping and zinc die casting operations.
Exact Tool's Mission
Exact Tool Company Inc. is a one stop source to provide customers with high quality tooling, parts and service. Our staff pays attention to customer's needs, listens to their problems and concerns, and works with them to provide a comprehensive solution.
Exact Tool's History
Exact Tool Company Inc. (ETCI) was founded in 1969 to serve the needs of manufacturers in Chicago and the Midwest. ETCI began business as a tooling fabricator for plastic injection molds, zinc die casting molds, and stamping dies.
Our reputation for producing high quality tooling prompted customers to request that ETCI also run the tools to produce parts. ETCI understood the need and increased capabilities to manufacture stampings and zinc die castings utilizing the same commitment to quality. ETCI services customers in many industries, including security hardware, office products, mailbox systems, communications devices, and electrical components.
Company Name | Exact Tool Company, Inc. |
Business Category | Zinc |
Address | 2123 Foster Avenue Wheeling Illinois United States ZIP: 60090 |
President | NA |
Year Established | 1969 |
Employees | NA |
Memberships | NA |
Hours of Operation | NA |
Phone Number | Locked content | Subscribe to view |
Fax Number | Locked content | |
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Website | Locked content |