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Environmental Products & Technologies Corp

4216 S. Mooney Blvd , Suite 131 , Visalia, California, United States

Memberships : NA
Industry : Energy
Basic Member
Since Jun, 2015
About Company

Environmental Products & Technologies Corporation

The Company is a renewable “green” energy developer employing Opportunity Fuels with manure being the primary source of such fuel.

The Company was formed as a result of several years’ effort reviewing business opportunities in the bio-remediation market. It became evident that the last segment of the agricultural industry to have technology applied was any and all aspects of handling organic waste and the significant volumes generated either at harvest or on a daily basis from cattle, dairy, hog and poultry farms.

The Company proposes to market, sell, install and operate its technologies to assist dairy operators in their efforts to comply with (a) regulations initially promulgated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (the “EPA”) February 12, 2003, and subsequently revised by court order, governing concentrated animal feeding operations (“CAFOs”), and (b) regulations established by Waste Discharge Requirements General Order R5-2007-0035 for Existing Milk Cow Dairies (the “General Order”), which was adopted by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, in May 2007. The Company expects that its technologies will be used to dispose of animal waste manure through conversion of the manure into several marketable byproducts. The primary by-product is methane gas, which the Company, as agent for the owners of the facilities that utilize our technologies, expects to sell to public utility companies and inject into gas lines controlled by the public utility companies with the goal of supplanting hydrocarbon fuel the companies would otherwise have to obtain from alternative sources.

EPTC has spent the last ten years developing technologies and processes to address these needs and provide an affordable solution to the issues listed above.

The Company anticipates that its first project utilizing its Closed-loop Organics Management System (the “EPTC System” or “Power & Energy Center”) will be used as a model system (the “Model”) for other Power and Energy Centers to serve one or more diaries with a total herd size in excess of 10,000 cows including in excess of 6,000 lactating cows. This is also sometimes known as the anaerobic digester biogas field concept. A Power and Energy Center is expected to generate biomethane gas in volumes necessary to offset the cost of the biomethane gas scrubbing and treatment technology incorporated into the EPTC System. Certain organic waste materials (principally food production byproducts such as cheese whey and fats, oils and greases) that would be utilized by the EPTC System to significantly increase volumes of biomethane gas are plentiful and readily available.

The Company intends to generate most of its revenue from three possible sources of income identified in its current business model: (a) sale of the EPTC System and developer fees for oversight and management of the installation and commissioning of the equipment; (b) fees in connection with operation and management of the renewable energy facility under a long-term contract with the owner of the facility; and (c) marketing of all by-products generated by the facility under an agreement with the owner of the facility. Little or no revenue will be derived by the Company from ownership of the facilities.

As a common practice, dairies use lagoons as open storage pits for manure. These will be removed with a consequent reduction in, if not elimination of, flies and odors. It is also anticipated that manure will be treated and the salt load on croplands reduced below current levels, which is the driving force behind the above-referenced federal and state regulations.

Dairy owners or operators that finance and acquire an EPTC System are likely to generate carbon credits, renewable energy certificates (also known as RECs or “green tags”), and/or federal renewable energy tax credits on an ongoing basis. It is anticipated that some of the economic impact of such credits will inure to the benefit of the Company.

Our Guiding Business Principles


We believe in treating all customers with dignity, irrespective of whether they purchase our products and services directly from us or otherwise acquire them in the market. We therefore have a responsibility to:

  • provide our customers with the highest quality products and services consistent with this requirement;
  • treat our customers fairly in all aspects of our business transactions, including a high level of service and remedies for their dissatisfaction;
  • make every effort to ensure that the health and safety of our customers, as well as the quality of their environment, will be sustained or enhanced by our products and services;
  • assure respect for human dignity in products offered, marketing, and advertising; and,
  • respect the integrity of the culture of our customers.


We believe in the dignity of every employee and in taking employee interests seriously. We therefore have a responsibility to:

  • provide jobs and compensation that improve workers' living conditions;
  • provide working conditions that respect each employee's health and dignity;
  • be honest in communications with employees and open in sharing information, limited only by legal and competitive restraints;
  • listen to and, where possible, act on employee suggestions, ideas, requests, and complaints;
  • engage in good faith negotiations when conflict arises;
  • avoid discriminatory practices and guarantee equal treatment and opportunity in areas such as gender, age, race, and religion;
  • promote in the business itself the employment of differently abled people in places of work where they can be genuinely useful;
  • protect employees from avoidable injury and illness in the workplace;
  • encourage and assist employees in develop relevant and transferable skills and knowledge; and
  • be sensitive to serious unemployment problems frequently associated with business decision, and work with governments, employee groups, other agencies and each other in addressing these dislocations.

Owners / Investors

We believe in honoring the trust our investors place in us. We therefore have a responsibility to:

  • apply professional and diligent management in order to secure a fair and competitive return on our owners' investment; disclose relevant information to owner/investors subject only to legal requirements and competitive constraints;
  • disclose relevant information to owners/investors' investment;
  • conserve, protect, and increase the owners/investors' assets; and
  • respect owners/investors' requests, suggestions, complaints, and formal resolutions.


Our relationship with suppliers and subcontractors must be based on mutual respect. We therefore have a responsibility to:

  • seek fairness and truthfulness in all of our activities, including pricing, licensing, and rights to sell;
  • ensure that our business activities are free from coercion and unnecessary litigation;
  • foster long-term stability in the supplier relationship in return for value, quality, competitiveness, and reliability;
  • share information with suppliers and integrate them into our planning processes;
  • pay suppliers on time and in accordance with agreed terms of trade;
  • seek, encourage, and prefer suppliers and subcontractors whose employment practices respect human dignity.


We believe that fair competition is one of the basic requirements for increasing the wealth of nations and, ultimately, for making possible the just distribution of goods and services. We therefore have a responsibility to:

  • foster open markets for trade and investment;
  • promote competitive behavior that is socially and environmentally beneficial and demonstrates mutual respect among competitors;
  • refrain from either seeking or participating in questionable payments or favors to secure advantages;
  • respect both tangible and intellectual property rights; and
  • refuse to acquire commercial information by dishonest or unethical means, such as industrial espionage.


We believe that as global corporate citizens, we can contribute to such forces of reform and human rights as are at work in the communities in which we operate. We therefore have a responsibility in those communities to:

  • respect human rights and democratic institutions, and promote them wherever practicable;
  • recognize government's legitimate obligation to the society at large and support public policies and practices that promote human development through harmonious relations between business and other segments of society;
  • collaborate with those forces in the community dedicated to raising standards of health, education, workplace safety, and economic well-being;
  • promote and stimulate sustainable development and play a leading role in preserving and enhancing the physical environment and conserving the earth's resources;
  • support peace, security, diversity, and social integration;
  • respect the integrity of local cultures; and be a good corporate citizen through charitable donations, educational and cultural contributions, and employee participation in community and civic affairs.

Management Team

Our many years of experience in managing various business functions are what makes us an expert at meeting your company's needs.

Marvin Mears



Mr. Mears is the founder of the Company. Previously, he served as President of Corporate Capital Resources, Inc., a publicly-traded venture capital company specializing in early-stage and start-up companies. Mr. Mears has also syndicated a number of limited partnerships for research and development including medical projects.

Mr. Mears has been involved in the development and management of several large agricultural operations engaged in the production of grapes, almonds, citrus and kiwi fruit. Mr. Mears has served on the board of directors of Chatsworth Products Inc., Robert T. Dorris and Associates, and Technology Solutions, Inc. Over the past 30 years, Mr. Mears has gained extensive experience in the start-up and management of a number of successful business ventures.

John F. Graham
Chief Knowledge Officer


John Graham has over 30-years experience as a professional "information research and knowledge management specialist," augmenting his skill sets with an elaborate network of over 1,700 independent information research professionals and business content product/service providers. Mr. Graham also works at an executive-level, in our "advanced technology projects development team", communicating directly with EP&T's strategic alliance vendor and manufacturing engineering teams. Mr. Graham generates the EP&T Professional 3D Geometric Model layouts used in communication with management, engineering, and clients, as well as, oversees the company's onsite and web-based control system architectural and integration design strategies. Mr. Graham holds one United States Patent and received the 1989 CeBUS (Smart Home) Award for Advanced Design and Engineering Innovation from the International Consumer Electronics Association. Mr. Graham is Chief Knowledge Officer and has been in this position with EP&T since 1998.

Bruce Andersen

Vice President - Administration


Mr. Andersen has been associated with EPTC since the mid-1990's.  Mr. Andersen's experience includes working as a line officer with the United States Army Corp of Engineers on various construction projects in Germany, Assistant Controller of a large Exxon-Mobil Corporation plastics manufacturing plant, General Manager of the Computer Products Division of a United States subsidiary of Lex, PLC (London), and Controller and General Manager of an aerospace sub-contractor/manufacturer with manufacturing facilities in the United States and Europe. Mr. Andersen, a certified public accountant, also operates an accounting, tax and technology practice in Los Angeles, and specializes in managing start up and growth companies.

Mr. Andersen holds three advanced business and management degrees including an MSBA (Operations Research) from Boston University, a Masters in Taxation from Golden Gate University and an MBA (Finance) from California State University - Bakersfield. He serves on the faculty of the University of Phoenix, teaching a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate accounting and finance courses through the university's John Sperling School of Business.

Curtis Lindskog

Vice President, Government Compliance


Mr. Lindskog had been with EP&T since 2010 providing permitting, compliance and development strategies and expertise for EP&T’s Closed Loop Organic Management System (CLOMS).  He brings valuable regulatory experience with local and state agencies that supports the construction and operation of the CLOMS technology and processes.  As part of the senior management team, Mr. Lindskog is actively involved supporting EP&T’s economic growth.

Mr. Lindskog brings over 30 years of successful business development and management experience with A/E/C firms serving clients in the energy, water and transportation sectors.   Mr. Lindskog has been past President of a number of industry associations and currently chairs two programs for the State of California supporting economic development of small businesses.

Mr. Lindskog holds a bachelor’s degree from Washington State University.

Robert Ragsdale

Vice President, Sales


Mr. Ragsdale has been with EP&T since 2001, initially as Regional Manager responsible for EP&T's Chino, California office. Mr. Ragsdale managed project development activity, in conjunction with California Polytechnic University at Pomona (as part of an agronomy student's master's degree thesis), for the Plane View Dairy where compost was being produced by EP&T's patented aerobic bioreactor. Compost was produced and applied to various crops, nursery stock, turf grass and vineyards.

Mr. Ragsdale has owned and profitably operated both retail and commercial businesses. He brings valuable experience to EP&T from his extensive construction background, which allows EP&T to prepare quotations for installation of its equipment without the need to seek outside consultants.

Mr. Ragsdale is part of the EP&T Executive Team with duties that include vetting of new emerging technologies, integration of technologies, strategic alliances and construction consultant. Additional responsibilities include participating in the construction of current Business Plans, Executive Summaries and finding and vetting of prospective investors.

Mr. Ragsdale is a graduate of Arizona State University with a Bachelor's Degree in Finance.

Kris Schulthies

Vice President, Field Operations


Kris Schulthies has been involved with EP&T for over 10 years.  He brings to the team over 20 years experience in the livestock and dairy industries.  He was raised on the family’s cattle and produce farm in Northern Utah.  He began milking professionally at the age of 14.  Since that time, Mr. Schulthies has worked in all areas of Dairy production, including through his college years, where as a full-time student, he put himself through school as a Dairy Herdsman.


Mr. Schulthies’ graduate work involved residency in the country of Ecuador as he completed a Cost of Production and Efficiency Analysis for the country’s dairy industry.  His post-graduate work brought him back to Ecuador with USAID for cost/benefit and partial budget studies on several of their improvement technologies.  Following this experience, Mr. Schulthies worked several years at the Texas Agricultural Market Research Center at Texas A&M University where he did research related to the effects of the NAFTA on various areas of Texas agriculture.


Mr. Schulthies has owned his own successful business.  He has been involved in a number of successful start-ups where he acted as an integral part of the management and operations team.  He is highly experienced in farm operations and the use and maintenance of heavy equipment.  He holds a Bachelor degree in Agricultural Economics, with Spanish and Business Minors, and a Master degree in Economics and International Relations from Utah State University, Logan, Utah.

Scott Mears
Corporate Secretary

Vice President, Marketing


Mr. Mears brings over 22 years of business experience to EPTC, with a background in banking, venture capital and business management. He also brings to the Company nine years of direct marketing experience in high-technology businesses. Mr. Mears most recently served as a founding member and the Director of Marketing of a successful start-up business that posted $25,000,000 in annual revenue.

Mr. Mears served as a Board of Director for a Public Ultilities provider.  Mr. Mears also possesses local, state and federal lobbying and governmental agency experience, and has served as a city councilman for the city of College Station, Texas. Mr. Mears holds a bachelor's degree from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California, and two master's degrees, one in project management and the other in real estate and land development, from Texas A&M University.

Flint Parker

Director of Enigeering


Flint Parker has over 17 years of experience in renewable energy, alternate energy, specialty chemicals, and agricultural industries.  He has held numerous managerial roles including but not limited to Operations Management, Technical Services Management, Laboratory/Quality Control, Process Safety Management, Plant Services, Project, and Process Engineering Management.
Mr. Parker has experience as a position of Technical Council Chairperson, responsible for technical development and recruitment internationally.  He manages a $50,000,000.00 plus annual capital budget project portfolio. He has experience serving as the Corporate Secretary and Member of the Board of Directors for a renewable energy company.  Mr. Parker is green-belt-six-sigma certified and QS9000 lead auditor/ trainer certified.  He developed and implemented a QS9000 quality program for an alternate energy battery cathode company.  He has developed and managed numerous green field, brown field, and existing facility expansion projects.
Mr. Parker holds a Bachelors of Science Degree in Environmental Engineering and a Masters of Business Administration Degree from Columbia Southern University. 


Company NameEnvironmental Products & Technologies Corp
Business CategoryEnergy
Address4216 S. Mooney Blvd
Suite 131
United States
ZIP: CA 93277
PresidentMarvin Mears
Year EstablishedNA
Hours of OperationNA
Company Services
  • Animal Manure Waste Management
  • Pipeline Gas Quality System
  • Zero Power Use Technologies
  • Nutrient-rich Compost Tea Extracts
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