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Environcom England Ltd

Spittlegate Level , Grantham , United Kingdom

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Since Sep, 2015
About Company

Founded in 2003 and revolutionised in 2011, environcom is now the UK's largest independent electrical re-use and recycling specialist of waste electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE). Our team has been sourced from a number of large blue chip companies within the electronic sector. The Grantham site operates under an Environmental permit from the Environment Agency. Our facility is fully licensed for the treatment of WEEE and now has an enviable reputation and already exceeds Government levels for waste processing. Our multi-site operation processes in excess of 100,000 tonnes of domestic and business electronic waste each year which in turn means this amount is no longer being landfilled. We have training and development schemes for each of our 200 strong team members who ensure that our reputation, focus, dedication, commitment and loyalty to our customers is upheld. We conduct schemes to create awareness in schools to engender our future generations with the ethos to save our planet. 

2011 saw the dawn of a very different approach to WEEE handing in the UK, thanks to a major strategic refocus by an already established WEEE recycling business, environcom. This strategic refocus has seen a shift in emphasis away from simply mining waste electrical for their precious components, in favour of re-use.

 CEO Sean Feeney believes that by taking a different approach to WEEE than his competitors, it allows him to work in closer synergy with his customers’ businesses whilst providing a genuine opportunity to really close the loop on WEEE. Environcom operates differently in two ways, firstly we specialise in WEEE, which means we are able to focus on fitting around the customer we source our product from, allowing us to become an integral part of their process. Secondly, we try to reuse the product instead of recycling it, which is almost unique in our industry. In fact, we are already hitting more than 15% reuse. Sean says ‘Our company mission is to do the right thing with WEEE so it doesn’t cost the earth, and doing the right thing goes beyond just doing the day job as well. We work closely with a number of large charities supplying them with re-use product."
What We Do:
We take in or collect unwanted electrical appliances (anything with a plug, or charger and the wheelie bin symbol) and we either repair it, smarten it up and sell it, harvest it for spare parts to repair other products, or reduce it back to fragments of raw materials to feed back into manufacturing. This can be anything from fridge freezers and washing machines right down to your kettle or your styling tongs. This stops these products going into landfill, and it slows down the mining of these metals from the land and thus the eroding of earths natural resources, it uses far less energy to repair a washing machine than to build a new one from scratch. 
WEEE is Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. There are different types of WEEE:
  • Large household appliances; electric cookers, fridge freezers, fridges, hobs 
  • Small household appliances; kettles, toasters, hair straighteners, hair dryers
  • IT and telecommunications equipment; monitors, laptops, ipads
  • Electrical tools; lawnmowers, strimmers, drills
  • Electrical sports equipment; exercise bikes, cross trainers, running machines


Company NameEnvironcom England Ltd
Business CategoryElectronic Waste Recycling
AddressSpittlegate Level
United Kingdom
Year EstablishedNA
Hours of OperationNA
Company Services
  • Lda (large Domestic Appliances) & Sda (small Domestic Appliances)
  • Refrigerators – Domestic And Commercial
  • Crt (cathode Ray Tube) – Televisions And Monitors
  • It Equipment
  • Flat Panel Tv
  • Mixed Weee
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