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EnPro AS

Engene 22 , N-3015 , Drammen , Buskerud, Norway

Memberships : NA
Industry : Energy
Basic Member
Since Feb, 2015
About Company

EnPro AS was established in 2000, based on proprietary patented CO2 reduction process using ammonia. Since 2000 EnPro has worked on developing the technology from patent to technological solution.

EnPro has since 2006 focussed on advancing the technology, together with Engineering Solutions Ltd. ("ENGSL"), an engineering company based in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The technological focus of the EnPro process has been on a CO2 reduction process without using ammonia, but still producing sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate by utilising CO2 from industrial flue gas.

Since March 2008, EnPro has a Cooperation Agreement with ENGSL, under which EnPro commissioned ENGSL to develop the technology which is currently patent pending. Under this agreement, EnPro has the exclusive global user rights to commercialize the technology. The parties have worked very closely to develop the innovative technology which has been sucessfully demonstrated in demo scale and which is now ready for the next stage i.e. commercial scale pilot plant.

The patent: "A combined solid waste, carbon dioxide quicklime sparging, brine water and reverse osmosis/ion exchange process for the production of soda chemicals". International Application Number: PCT/IB2008/002020

EnPro is currently working in cooperation with BKK of Norway on an industrial scale pilot plant, which is to handle the emission of approx. 30.000 tonnes of CO2 per year from BKK's power station at Kollsnes, Norway. This power station is fuelled with waste gas from the adjacent LNG production plant.


The compelling need to reduce CO2 emissions has lead to many creative schemes to accomplish CO2 emission reduction. For economic or social reasons, most are simply not feasible. However, EnPro's CO2 emission reduction technology is a monumental breakthrough, elegant in its simplicity, effective in practice. Unlike any other solution proposed thus far, EnPro's process has some important benefits:

  • Sequestration of CO2 emissions by over 95%.
  • Non-ammonia process for production of high quality 'green' soda ash (Na2CO3) – a stable industrial raw material of commercial value; low energy consumption – current estimates indicate energy consumption of less than half that of the current processes for production of soda ash.
  • New low energy non-electrolysis process for production of caustic soda (NaOH).
  • Technology is flexible enough for the plant to produce either soda ash or sodium hydroxide.


The EnPro process at a glance

EnPro holds the exclusive global user rights to proprietary CO2 emission reduction technology, which is based on chemical reactions used to consume CO2 from exhaust gases. In general terms, the EnPro process removes CO2 by chemically binding it to the salt in seawater. Valuable end-products such as sodium carbonate (soda ash) and/or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) are extracted from the process. This is how it works:

  • Salt water, together with salt, goes into the production of sodium hydroxide solution.
  • CO2 is sparged into the sodium hydroxide solution in a so-called Carbonation module where chemical reactions facilitate a binding of the CO2 to the sodium in the solution.
  • This results in sodium carbonate, which further processed into sodium carbonate (soda ash).
  • The by-products are hydrocloric acid and hypochlorite.



Contribute to global CO2 reduction with a technology that can capture 85-95% CO2 emissions from industrial exhaust while using it as feedstock in marketable products
Be a preferred player in the 'green' chemical industry with focus on sodium carbonate, with lower energy consumption and "greener" production process.


Company NameEnPro AS
Business CategoryEnergy
AddressEngene 22
Year EstablishedNA
Hours of OperationNA
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