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ELV Recycling Ltd

Leys Road Premier Partnership Estate , Brierley Hill , West Midlands, United Kingdom

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Since Sep, 2020
About Company

ELV Recycling Ltd was incorporated in 2004 and is a family run business. We currently employ 8 people with varying expertise in vehicle recovery, dismantling and contract handling. When the company was first set up in 2004, the only vehicles to come through the doors were private vehicles from local paper advertisement. After installing state of the art depollution equipment to attract local authority contracts, the company moved on to recovering, storing and disposing of council abandoned vehicles and burnouts. After various recommendations from local authorities the company moved on to recovering untaxed vehicles with the DVLA including fine handling, softlift recovery and production of Certificates of Destruction. After such amazing growth the company found itself in the enviable position of being able to buy the premises it was currently renting, which included 2 rental incomes as well. Then came the scrappage scheme!! Due to earlier recommendation from the Ford Motor Company, the company was automatically expected to collect scrappage vehicles from all local garages within a 10 mile radius. This meant serious growth, and a total collection count of over 2000 cars within an 18 month period. Another compound was needed and the company was overflowing with vehicles. This was the ideal time to employ a Parts Manager and begin the complicated process of vehicle dismantling- not just 1 vehicle make but all of them. Racking was installed in half the building and the company is now in the process of a £25,000 extension to re- locate the offices and build a trade counter. When the alterations are complete (February 2011) the company will be competently handling abandoned, burnt out, untaxed and private vehicles for 2 local councils, the DVLA, the police, West Midland Fire Service and the private customer. With services that include recovery, storage, depollution, dismantling, disposal and a comprehensive parts supply service both walk in and via the internet. Since 2004, ELV Recycling Ltd has gone rapidly from strength to strength, so if you are looking to dispose of your vehicle or are simply looking for a replacement part- don't hesitate to contact us- we'll be only too happy to help. 

Company NameELV Recycling Ltd
Business CategoryAutomotive Recycling
AddressLeys Road Premier Partnership Estate
Brierley Hill
West Midlands
United Kingdom
Year Established2004
Hours of OperationMonday - Friday 08:30 - 4:30 Saturday: 08:30 - 1:00 Sunday: CLOSED
Company Services
  • Mot Testing & Garage Services
  • Car Recycling Services
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