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2200 6th Ave. , S Seattle,, Washington, United States

Memberships : NA
Industry : Lamp Recycling
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Since Jun, 2014
About Company


EcoLights has created a simple and convenient way to manage your used fluorescent tubes, High Intensity Discharge (HID), and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) in an environmentally sound, yet cost effective fashion. For a single price our program includes:

On-line ordering of pre-paid recycling kits;

Delivery of recycling kits to your site via Fed-Ex;

Specially designed boxes and pails for collection of waste materials, protective liner bags, and all packaging instructions for filling at your site;

Return shipping to EcoLights’ processing facility via Fed-Ex;

Environmentally sound recycling of the contents of the kit, helping keep you compliant with the law;

Final Certificate of Recycling emailed to you with processing dates and amount of material recycled;

On-line accessible records of materials recycled by facility.

Our program offers you and your business a turnkey solution to comply with the new mandatory lamp recycling law. Visit our online store for details.




EcoLights was created in 1996 to offer proper management and recycling of mercury bearing light tubes and both PCB and non-PCB ballasts. EcoLights is the only licensed “final destination” lamp recycler in Washington and the largest in the Pacific Northwest. Now, with the EcoLights Mail-Pak, we can offer convenient fluorescent lamp recycling services across the United States (except Alaska and Hawaii).

In addition to straight fluorescent and compact fluorescent lamps, we also recycle high intensity discharge lamps (HID), Ultra Violet lamps (UV) and batteries. EcoLights collects and consolidates PCB and non-PCB ballasts from our customers for proper management. We work with a permitted PCB ballast recycler to properly manage all PCB bearing materials. We have a policy of recycling all PCB containing devices and incinerating all PCBs.

With the expansion of the Universal Waste Rule in 2000, EcoLights became legally able to accept other mercury bearing devices from customers. These materials include thermostats, thermometers, manometers, blood pressure monitor cuffs, mercury switches and a host of other mercury bearing devices.

Our services are designed to help our customers comply with laws regarding the handling of hazardous materials, help them reduce their long-term legal liabilities, minimize the disposal of hazardous waste and help protect the environment that we all share.




2200 6th Ave. S Seattle, WA 98134

Ph: 206-343-7443

Fax: 206-343-7445

Email: info@ecolights.com

Web: http://www.ecolights.com/


Company NameEcoLights
Business CategoryLamp Recycling
Address2200 6th Ave.
S Seattle,
United States
ZIP: 98134
Year Established1996
Hours of OperationMonday-Friday: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Company Services
  • Flourescent Lamp
  • Hid & Uv Lamp
  • Lighting Ballast
  • Batteries
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