Since its foundation, EcoConServ Environmental Solutions has provided state-of-the-art environmental technical assistance to a wide spectrum of clients, including bilateral and multilateral development and financial institutions, governorates, municipalities, as well as companies and organizations in the industrial, agricultural, petroleum, water resources and tourism sector. EcoConServ is a leading environmental consulting and services firm fully acquainted with regional and national environmental laws and regulations aimed at protecting and conserving the natural environment.
EcoConServ has an excellent record of accomplishment in providing consulting services in the following fields:
More specifically, EcoConServ has to date successfully delivered more than:
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater for the Integrated Sanitation and Sewage Project, World Bank, Egypt: ESIA for the Greater Cairo Natural Gas Connections Project, World Bank, Egypt; Site selection review for LNG Plant, British Gas International; Forecasting of Emissions & Wastes, British Petroleum; ESIA for the Grand Egyptian Museum, Japanese Bank for Development, etc.
Alexandria, Giza, Suez and Aswan Cleanliness Project, Onyx; Management of Hospital & Clinical Waste in Sohag Governorate; Fayoum Solid Waste Management Project, the Netherlands Embassy; Design of a Sanitary Landfill in Cairo, Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA), etc.
Capacity Building for EEAA Inspectors, USAID; Technical Assistance to the Republic of Yemen for Strengthening the Environmental Assessment Capacity, World Bank, Yemen; Environmental Auditing training, Social Fund for Development, Yemen; Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Water and Environment under the Project Management Unit, and Technical Secretariat for Water and, Sanitation, World Bank; Environmental Action Plan for Gaza and the West Bank, World Bank, etc.
Environmental Action Plan for the Gulf of Aqaba, World Bank; Environmental Management System for 10th of Ramadan Industrial City, USAID; Action Plan for Suez Special Economic Zone, Survey of Investment Needs for EPAP II Sub-projects, JBIC; Governorate Environmental Action Plans for the majority of governorates in Egypt, Danida, etc.
EcoConServ is committed to ensuring that its clients’ needs are met with a high standard of quality, by generating multiple plausible solutions for the client addressing complex environmental problems in a fully integrated and cost-effective manner.
EcoConServ draws upon its pool of experts depending on the capabilities needed for each project, and has undertaken projects locally, in the majority of Governorates in Egypt, and regionally, in Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Iran, Pakistan, and for the Palestinian Authority.
EcoConServ works in partnership with reputable international firms in Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, and local firms, gathering resources and implementing best practices in order to provide sound and sustainable solutions to environmental problems.
Among EcoConServ’s clients are the donor agencies of the World Bank, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Canadian International Development Aid (CIDA), United Kingdom Department for International Development (DfID), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Kreditansalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) Bankengruppe, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA); Japanese Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), Egyptian Swiss Development Fund (ESDF), Finnish Development Aid (FINNIDA), Danish Development Aid (DANIDA); and companies and organizations in the industrial, agricultural, petroleum, water resources and tourism sector.
EcoConServ has a comprehensive service portfolio, which targets a majority of the environmental challenges facing Egypt. EcoConServ specializes in the following fields: Environmental and Social Impact Assessments; Social Development; Environmental and Energy Audits; Clean Development Mechanism; Industrial Pollution Prevention, Water resources management; Solid and Hazardous Waste management; Renewable Energy; Environmental Management Systems and Action Plans, Monitoring and Evaluation etc.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessments
Environmental and Energy Audits
Clean Development Mechanism
Social Development
Industrial Pollution Prevention and Control
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
Tourism and Coastal Zone Management Studies
Water Resources Management
Environmental Management Systems, Training and Institutional Development
EcoConServ maintains a comprehensive international network of partners, clients and contacts, in addition to having an extensive network of contacts in Ministries, Governorates, and Municipalities in Egypt. Among EcoConServ’s clients are international organizations and donor agencies, such as the World Bank, GEF, UNDP, USAID, CIDA, DfID, GTZ, and Danida.
Other clients and partners include, among others: Abt Associates; British Petroleum; Chevron; Deloitte and Touche; ERM; Michelin; Mobinil; Nordic Consulting Group; ONYX; Royal Haskoning; Skanska; Urbaser - Grupo Dragados. EcoConServ is committed to ensuring that the clients’ needs are met with a high standard of quality, by generating multiple plausible solutions for the client addressing complex environmental problems in a fully integrated and cost-effective manner.
Below is a non-inclusive list of clients and partners:
Company Name | EcoConServ Environmental Solutions |
Business Category | Energy |
Address | 12 El Saleh Ayoub St., 10th floor, Apt. 23, Zamalek Egypt |
President | NA |
Year Established | NA |
Employees | NA |
Memberships | NA |
Hours of Operation | NA |
Phone Number | Locked content | Subscribe to view |
Fax Number | Locked content | |
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Website | Locked content |