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Canadian Oilseed Processors Association

404-167 Lombard Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Memberships : NA
Industry : Renewable Energy
Basic Member
Since Nov, 2016
About Company

COPA is a federally incorporated non-profit industry association that works in partnership with the Canola Council of Canada (CCC) to represent the interests of oilseed processors in Canada.

The purposes of the corporation are:

  1. To act as an industry association to the Canadian oilseed processing industry.
  2. To promote the processing of oilseeds in Canada.
  3. To provide a forum for the discussion of matters pertaining to the Canadian oilseed processing industry.
  4. To act on behalf of its members by making representations to governmental or other authorities on all matters pertaining to the Canadian oilseed processing industry.

Canadian Oilseed Processing Industry

  • There are 14 crush facilities owned by 6 companies; the 11 plants in the west crush canola and the 3 in the east crush canola and soybeans
  • The Canadian crushing and refining industry contributes around $1.3 billion in annual economic impacts to the domestic economy
  • Over the past 6 years, more than $1 billion have been invested in plant construction and crush capacity has more than doubled, reaching 10.7 million tonnes for canola and 3.2 million for soybeans
  • Over the 10-year period 2006/07 to 2015/16, canola crushings increased 132% (from 3.6 to 8.3 million tonnes) and soybean crushings increased 27% (from 1.5 to 1.9 million tonnes)
  • Over the same 10-year period, exports of canola oil increased 115% (from 1.3 million tonnes worth $1.1 billion to 2.8 million tonnes worth $2.9 billion) and canola meal exports increased 170% (from 1.5 million tonnes worth $0.2 billion to 4.0 million tonnes worth $1.4 billion)


  • 45% of the canola crop and 30% of the soybean crop were processed domestically
  • 3.6 million tonnes of canola oil and 0.4 million tonnes of soybean oil were produced; these oils are used for cooking oils, shortenings and salad oils
  • 4.7 million tonnes of canola meal and 1.5 million tonnes of soybean meal were produced; these meals are used in animal feeds
  • Canola oil – domestic use 0.9 million tonnes; exports 2.8 million tonnes valued at $2.9 billion; major importers USA 42%, China 20% and South Korea 4%
  • Soy oil – domestic use 0.2 million tonnes; exports 0.2 million tonnes valued at $0.2 billion; major importer USA 83%, Tunisia 8% and Algeria 8%
  • Canola meal – domestic use 0.6 million tonnes; exports 4.0 million tonnes valued at $1.4 billion; major importers USA 89% and Thailand 3%
  • Soy meal – domestic use 2.0 million tonnes; exports 0.2 million tonnes valued at $0.2 billion; major importers USA 84%, Ireland 9% and United Kingdom 8%
Company NameCanadian Oilseed Processors Association
Business CategoryRenewable Energy
Address404-167 Lombard Avenue
PresidentRobert Broeska
Year Established1992
Hours of OperationNA
Company Services
  • Crush & Oil & Meal Production
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