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B enfante

Via Gramsci 2 , Sant'Olcese, Liguria, Italy

Memberships : NA
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Since Oct, 2021
About Company

B enfante provides integrated solutions for the collection, selection, compaction and recycling of differentiable waste , ensuring effective management of materials in  strict compliance with environmental legislation,  containing costs for its customers.

Only an  accurate differentiation  of waste, with the consequent recovery of materials, allows the transformation from waste to resource with environmental and economic benefits. Recycling is an important opportunity for savings and less environmental pollution.

Landfills are no longer “the solution” for all waste, because the  environmental and social costs are less and less sustainable.

The circular economy is a new production and consumption model, which is based on a regenerative industrial system: it involves the transition from the concept of the end of life of products to that of continuous reconstruction, with benefits for companies and the environment. 

It is a possible growth model in line with the objectives of sustainability and waste disposal.

Benfante's commitment is to transform into value what is waste from the start. The end of waste of a waste is a concept towards which all modern countries tend to be able to reuse a material several times, in a virtuous circle of recovery, reuse and sustainable growth that generates savings for companies, creates new jobs "Green jobs".

The collection and recycling of plastic and in particular of all plastic packaging, allows the transformation from material to material: the collected and selected plastic waste becomes the starting point for new products through thermal or mechanical and chemical reworking.

The recycling process, technologically not too complex, first requires an accurate selection phase, to separate the different polymers present in the separate collection into homogeneous groups. This process can be carried out at all the platforms of the Benfante Group to enhance the different fractions of plastics that are now increasingly heterogeneous.

Company NameB enfante
Business CategoryPlastic Recycling
AddressVia Gramsci 2
ZIP: 16010
Year Established1950
Hours of OperationNA
Company Services
  • Paper And Cardboard
  • Plastic Material
  • Glass
  • Aluminium
  • Scrap Ferrous And Non Ferrous
  • Wood
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