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Bere Jeweler

4421 Bayou Boulevard, Pensacola, Florida, United States

Memberships : NA
Industry : Precious Metals
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Since Mar, 2017
About Company

For over 30 years Bere' Jewelers has been one of the most trustednames in jewelry in the Pensacola region. We are a well-established AGSAmerican Gem Society jewelry store that has grown with our community froma small store to a multiple brand jewelry retailer. Bere' Jewelers is committedto make every customer "feel at home" with our personalized service and our classicto cutting edge jewelry designs. Our years of experience and services have builta legacy of integrity and trust with our customers.

We realize that individual taste, styling and design are extremely important toyou when you decide to make your jewelry purchase. Our aim is to provide qualityservices and products with the highest degree of customer satisfaction. Our globallysourced designs help to express your unique personality and suit your lifestyle.We will personally help you to select the exact style & design that will celebratethe important occasions and milestones of your life.

Bere' Jewelers Service

All Bere' Jewelers products come with the service and quality upon which wehave built our reputation over the last 30 years. We offer ourcustomers a wide range of designs to celebrate the important moments of their life.Our personal relations with our customers have grown over the years and we valuethe trust you have placed upon us. We help you to select the perfect style to suityour lifestyle. For us no question is too insignificant. You will receive our personalservice and detail attention to every purchase you will make.
Bere' Jewelers Products

We have a fabulous collection of classic to cutting edge jewelry designs and uniquestyles that nurture your emotions and enhance the joy of gift giving and receiving.The inspiration for our jewelry designs comes from our customers as well as thejewelry trade shows that we attend to source the latest and most innovative jewelryproducts from across the globe. At Bere' Jewelers, you will find a wide selectionof fine jewelry, from exquisite Bridal Collections, gorgeous Fashion Rings, beautifulEarrings & Pendants, to attractive Bracelets as well as many Unique and CustomStyles. Our spectacular range of jewelry is studded with a variety of diamonds,emeralds, rubies, sapphires, tanzanite, pearls, aquamarine and other semi-preciousgemstones. We have a stunning collection of gold and silver jewelry as well as manywatch brands to provide you a wide range to choose from for every occasion.
Bere' Jewelers Quality

Bere' Jewelers guarantees you full satisfaction and value for your money. We areobsessive about quality. We deal with the finest manufacturers across the globethat follows the highest standards of workmanship. We inspect every piece of jewelryand makes sure it follows our strict internal standards of quality control. Ourapproach makes it possible to offer our customer ultimate satisfaction from everyperspective, be it precious metal casting, stone setting, polishing, finishing,style & designs or before & after sales services. No question is too insignificant.You will receive personalized service and you can expect our strict attention toevery detail.
Bere' Jewelers Value

As your prime source for fine jewelry, we promise to give you the best value foryour time and money. Choose from our wide selection of timeless & fashion forwarddesigns that fulfill your unique lifestyle or occasion at the most competitive ratescoupled with our personal before & after sales services. We promise that youwill be happy with your experience with us.

Bere' Jewelers Community Service

Since our inception, Bere' Jewelers has been an integral part of the localcommunity in the Pensacola region. We deem it as our moral responsibilityto generously give back in time and money to our local community. We are charitablepartners with many local and national non-profit agencies and social service organizations.We are most proud to be one of the sponsors for the local chapter of the SalvationArmy to provide for needy members of our community.

Ten Reasons to Buy from an Independent Jeweler

A Neighbor You Can Trust

Buying jewelry is all about trust. You can trust us because we are an active partof your community. We support local charities and volunteer our time to supportlocal causes. We are here for you and your neighbors and will serve you above andbeyond what a corporate business would because we know that word of mouth is thelifeblood of a local business. Make sure when you have a good experience, you tellyour friends too!

Growing With You

As we get older, we sometimes get larger too. We will make sure your jewelry growswith you by resizing your rings and adding links to bracelets, necklaces and watches.If you become very successful later in life, you may want to upgrade an engagementring, without replacing it, by adding a match to your original center diamond anda larger center diamond between them. Our relationship with you will last a lifetime.In fact, for many families, it stretches for generations.

Individual Style

In a world where mass production and volume retail is becoming more common, manypeople settle for cookie-cutter jewelry. Volume retailers order every style by thethousands. You'll see anything you buy there over and over, even when you travelto other towns. But when you buy from us, you can choose styles that have been handselected just for your individual taste. In fact we keep individual customers inmind when we go on buying trips and may select something just for you. You willreceive individual service that you can never get from a huge corporation that buysin bulk for all its stores.

Not Just a Face in the Crowd

You are important to us: as a friend, a neighbor, and an individual, not just anotherface in the crowd. We will remember your anniversary and will even know which styleyour spouse tried on during a recent visit. And we will help you build a wardrobethat works: we can suggest some earrings to match a necklace you bought last year.When you take a big step in your life, like getting engaged or celebrating the birthof a child, we understand how important it is to make the moment match the emotionand can help you personalize your purchase.

Care & Cleaning

Not only do we care about you, but we care about your jewelry too! Cleaning rings,bracelets, necklaces, and earrings keeps them beautiful. Bring in your rings everyyear or two to have the prongs checked to make sure that you never lose a gemstone.We offer this as a free service to customers. When your jewelry looks good, we lookgood too! Only a local jeweler cares to make sure that your jewelry stays beautifulforever...

Competitive Pricing

You might be surprised at how competitive we can be. We belong to a powerful buyinggroup which multiples our buying power by hundreds of stores so we can negotiateexcellent values on the jewelry we select for you. We travel far & wide to buyour diamonds direct from the source and choose each diamond we sell for maximumbeauty and value. Don't be fooled by the deceptive 80 percent off offers that clogyour mailbox: we offer you honest value every day.

Professional Advice

When you buy at a chain store or a mass merchant, the person behind the countermight have sold auto parts or ice cream the week before. When you buy from us, youwill get good advice from a professional, someone who eats, breathes and sleepsjewelry. We have gemological training, read professional journals to keep up todate, travel to trade fairs and seminars and learn all about the products we offer.We can help you be an educated buyer and choose the jewelry that is just right foryour lifestyle.

Authorized Dealers

We are an authorized dealer for all the brands we carry. This is especially importantfor watch brands, since grey market watches are often not covered by warrantees.In fact, they might even be fakes! The makers of respected brands know that we willstand behind their products with the right kind of product education and after-salessupport. As an authorized dealer, we also have access to the latest, most in-demandstyles of the season. Make sure the brand you buy is legitimate by buying it inour store.

Attention to Detail

We personally selects each piece of jewelry and gemstone in our cases. We don'tsell jewelry from some central warehouse. Since we sell only what we ourselves carefullyselect, we have unrivalled quality control. When a mass merchant buys thousand ofitems, often deliveries are only spot-checked. Since we care enough to look carefullyat every jewelry piece before buying it, shouldn't you? If you buy from a websiteor from TV, the piece you receive may not be what you are expecting. At our storeyou can compare different pieces side by side, see the difference diamond qualitiesmake, and also try on jewelry before you buy.

Designs of Your Dreams

If you're not getting what you want, we can find it or make it for you. If it'ssomething simple, you might find it in the catalogs from our preferred suppliersand it can be special ordered for you. And we also offer custom jewelry, with yourchoice of design and gemstones. You can remake an old piece that you don't wearor make your jewelry design a reality; it's up to you, let us making your jewelrydreams come true.

Company NameBere Jeweler
Business CategoryPrecious Metals
Address4421 Bayou Boulevard
United States
ZIP: 32503
PresidentBarry Cole
Year Established1985
Hours of OperationMon - Fri: 9:30am - 6:00pm Sat: 10:00am - 5:00pm Sun: Pensacola location open noon - 5:00pm
Company Services
  • Diamonds
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