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Aqua Science Engineers, Inc

17855 Sky Park Circle, , Suite C, Irvine, California, United States

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Since Jul, 2015
About Company

ASE combines the most cost-effective level of technology with outstanding client and agency communication to deliver environmental and engineering solutions custom-tailored to your business needs.  Since 1982, the staff of ASE has demonstrated our strong commitment to customer service and effective project management. Our areas of expertise include: Real Estate Due Diligence, Phase I Site Assessments, Property Condition Assessments, Phase II Environmental Investigations, Phase III Environmental Remeditation, Underground Storage Tank Removals and Brownfields Redevelopment.

Since 1982, ASE has successfully partnered with real estate, financial and industrial clients providing cost-effective environmental and engineering solutions.  Our specialties include real estate due diligence, environmental investigations and remediation services. 

ASE Consultants, our real estate due diligence division, conducts Phase I Environmental Assessments, Property Condition Assessments, Seismic Risk Analysis, Construction Monitoring and Document/Cost Reviews.

Aqua Science Engineers conducts Phase II soil and groundwater investigations, risked-based assessments, Phase III soil and groundwater remediations, underground storage tank removals, Brownfields, water and wastewater treatment and expert legal testimony.

ASE has offices located in Irvine and Danville, California to serve all of California and the West Coast. Our many years of success come from a comprehensive business-oriented approach to each property’s unique environmental and engineering challenges.  We work closely with our clients to manage environmental and engineering concerns from a financial and technical approach with strong emphasis towards developing practical andaffordable solutions.  

ASE is set apart from our competitors by the experience of our project managers.  Each has a quality educational background, years of extensive client interaction and a proven track record of successfully completed projects.  We are proud of our very low employee turnover rate.  Most of our clients have enjoyed working with the same ASE project manager for many years–in some cases ten years or longer.  The strength of our diverse professional staff of registered civil engineers, registered environmental assessors, registered geologists and licensed architects allows us to maintain total "turnkey" control over our projects from start to finish.  ASE’s professional staff and field technicianswork as a team to get the job done.

ASE has earned our reputation as an action-oriented company.  ASE’s comprehensive resources and integration of multiple disciplines uniquely qualifies us to provide a full range of environmental and engineering services.  ASE is known for having one of the fastest project completion rates in the industry.

ASE places strong emphasis on teamwork and establishing effective communication between the client, project staff and outside parties.  Direct lines of communication are established immediately upon project initiation and the client is kept informed during all phases of the project.  ASE personnel maintain contact with outside agencies and stay informed of changing regulations that may affect our clients’ property or operations.

When you work with ASE, you gain a partner who will give you the resources to make intelligent business decisions. We understand the potential liabilities involved and are sensitive to the way these issues can affect your property or real estate transaction. Taking a client-centered approach, we deliver timely, cost-effective and practical solutions if issues are encountered. With over 24 years of experience in the industry, we have learned that our clients require responsiveness, clear options and practical solutions. ASE provides all three.

Let us put our expertise to work for you:

Real Estate Due DiligencePhase I Property Condition ReportsPhase II Environmental InvestigationsPhase III Environmental RemediationUnderground Storage RemovalWastewater Treatment
Real Estate Due Diligence

ASE Consultants, specializes in real estate due diligence, addressing the specific needs of this distinctive business. We tailor our consulting services in response to the dynamics and needs of this demanding sector. Our objective is to assist you in making the best decisions in transactions involving commercial, industrial and multi-family real estate.

Phase I Environmental Site Assessments

Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) consist of a detailed review of available current and historical records, a visual inspection of the site and conducting interviews to identify potential environmental concerns. Phase I ESAs are conducted following ASTM E1527-05 standards including the new All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI) Rule enacted by the Environmental Protection Agency. The records search includes business licenses, construction permits, phone directories, fire insurance and historical maps, title reports, historical aerial photographs and regulatory agency files. As part of the research, an environmental database covering federal, state and local agency listings is obtained and reviewed to assess environmental uses and concerns at the site and in the vicinity. Neighboring properties are evaluated because of the potential for contamination to migrate across property boundaries in groundwater, surface water or as vapors in soil.

Potential concerns in the Phase I process include existing or former underground storage tanks (UST), dry cleaners, chemical storage and handling, wastewater clarifiers, surface staining, PCB-containing equipment, sumps and wastewater clarifiers. Additional concerns are asbestos-containing materials, lead-based paints, lead in water and radon. If significant environmental concerns are identified during the Phase I process, a Phase II assessment is recommended.

ASTM Transaction Screens are limited Phase I ESA designed for small cap loans on sites with minimal or no expected environmental concerns. The transaction screen consists of a site visit, a database records search and completing a site history checklist.

In some instances, the scope of a Phase I ESA is reduced to an update of a recent Phase I ESA or to a desktop review of a recent Phase I ESA report prepared by others to verify conformance with current industry standards.

ASE has prepared a “Due Diligence Short Course for Real Estate Professionals” to assist members of the industry. This course has been presented and distributed to numerous groups of real estate professionals throughout California.

Environmental Audits

ASE provides environmental audits of industrial properties that include comprehensive site and facilities inspections. Staff engineers pinpoint potential problems and develop detailed action plans for correcting deficiencies and preventing future occurrences. The audit report provides specific recommendations on available corrective alternatives, a review of applicable laws and regulations and budget estimates for remedial actions.

Property Conditions Assessments, Seismic Risk Assessments, Construction Monitoring and Document Review

A Property Condition Assessment (PCA) consists of an engineering evaluation of site improvements, building structure and systems aimed to assess the conditions of the elements of the property and identify those that require repair or replacement. PCAs are conducted following ASTM E 2018-01 standards. The objective is to develop an adequate estimate of maintenance costs for immediate and short term repairs and a forecast of replacement reserves during the life of the loan. Depending on the case, PCA reports can be tailored to the specific scope of an acquisition, disposition or a refinance process. Typical activities in the PCA process include identification of building and site components and systems, building code compliance review, zoning and ADA accessibility.

A seismic risk assessment estimates the maximum probable loss (PML) that a structure may experience during an earthquake. The PML is strongly dependent upon building location and age, type of construction, site geology and magnitude of an expected seismic event. The analysis includes a review of the seismic risk and evaluation of the structural and seismic-resistant elements of the building structure. If the estimated PML exceeds a prescribed value, a seismic retrofit may be recommended.

Construction monitoring and document/cost review services are provided for projects in the construction phase. The initial document review of drawings and specifications has the objective of evaluating the feasibility of the project, the adequate participation of the multi-engineering specialties and the planned costs. Construction monitoring reports are prepared to document construction progress, quality of work and conformance with project specifications to assist lenders in the contractor’s payment process.

In some cases, the scope of a PCA may be reduced to a desktop review of a recent PCA report prepared by others to verify conformance with industry standards or client requirements.

Phase II Environmental Investigations

ASE has conducted over 1,000 Phase II environmental investigations of soil, groundwater and building structures since 1982. These investigations have ranged from single-sample projects to assessments requiring hundreds of sample points. With the experience gained through the years, you can count on ASE to develop a cost-effective scope for the required environmental investigation .

ASE’s registered geologists and engineers provide in-depth site investigations to characterize and accurately delineate the extent of soil and groundwater contamination. Samples are analyzed in independent state-certified environmental laboratories eliminating conflict of interest concerns. Preliminary Phase II investigations, conducted in specific areas of concern, determine whether a contamination problem exists. If significant contamination is discovered, a graduated program of additional soil borings and groundwater monitoring wells provides all necessary data for development of a risk-based assessment, groundwater monitoring program and/or remedial action plan.

During the investigation, ASE maintains strong communication with the client and regulatory agencies, if requested, to ensure compliance and approval. Upon completion of the Phase II investigation, the client receives a comprehensive report of the findings with recommendations for the most appropriate and cost effective remedial alternatives.

California environmental agencies have recently adopted "Risk-Based" policies for leaving soil and groundwater contamination in place in situations where it can be demonstrated that the pollutants will naturally degrade and do not pose a significant long term or short term environmental risk. Risk-based assessments can save owners of contaminated properties hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars in remediation costs. Utilizing information obtained in the Phase II investigation, ASE scientists are on the forefront of risk-based assessment reporting and negotiating.

Sampling technologies utilized by ASE for Phase II investigations include:

Geoprobe™ and Hydropunch™ soil and groundwater assessment
Hollow stem auger soil and groundwater assessment
Soil vapor extraction
On-site vapor sample analyses
Cone penetrometer
Air rotary drilling for groundwater assessment
Phase III Remediation of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater

ASE has successfully completed over 150 remediations of contaminated soil and groundwater since 1982 utilizing all proven technologies. Our emphasis is on designing the most cost-effective remediation systems uniquely designed for each project site. ASE has developed a proprietary “horizontal air sparging” technology for use in confined aquifers which has significantly reduced the time and expense required for remediation of volatile chemicals such as gasoline and chlorinated solvents in groundwater.

ASE engineers design complete on-site remediation systems, expertly integrating extraction and treatment technologies. ASE’s experienced environmental technicians construct the treatment systems and install the units on site. Our engineers and environmental technicians then work together to test, operate and monitor the treatment systems to insure efficient cost-effective operation and rapid remediation. ASE also supplies mobile remediation systems for immediate treatment needs during construction, short duration and interim cleanup projects.

Remediation technologies effectively used by ASE include:

Soil vapor extraction
Groundwater air sparging
Thermal oxidation
Ozone sparging
Horizontal air sparging
ORC™ injection
Underground Storage Tank Services

Since 1982, ASE has removed over 600 underground storage tanks for over 500 clients. ASE combines civil engineering, geological, hydrogeological and chemical expertise towards UST removal projects.

ASE provides a full range of tank services: installation and sampling of groundwater and vapor monitoring wells; soil sampling and analysis; installation of state-of-the-art continuous leak detection systems; tank cleaning, excavation, removal and disposal; and closure of tanks.

ASE's tank removal procedures and results are presented in a concisely written report along with recommendations for further assessment or remedial action, if required. So that sound business decisions can be made, our reports also include information regarding regulatory compliance requirements and alternatives for
remediating contamination if present.

ASE holds a California General Contractor’s License No. 487000, A C57 HAZ (hazardous materials handling) and C-57 (drilling).

Brownfields Redevelopment Brownfields

ASE has significant experience supporting Brownfields redevelopment with our "turnkey" capabilities in real estate due diligence, Phase II environmental assessment and environmental remediation. The term Brownfields is used to designate properties that are abandoned or under-utilized because of environmental contamination from historical activities. Due to high real estate values and limited land available for development in many urban areas, redevelopment of Brownfields sites revitalizes many blighted areas. Brownfields redevelopment requires cooperation between planning agencies, developers, lenders, environmental agencies and consultants. ASE has worked closely with many developers and lenders supporting Brownfields site identification, project conception, site assessment, agency negotiation and site cleanup.

Industrial Wastewater Treatment Systems

ASE’s engineers are experienced and qualified to develop, design, permit, install and start–up complete on-site industrial wastewater treatment systems for fixed treatment units (FTU), publicly owned treatment works (POTW) compliance and for industrial water recycling purposes.

ASE can also provide consulting services for existing treatment systems to propose solutions for system problems and/or to propose system upgrades.

ASE provides a full range of industrial wastewater services for FTU and POTW surcharge compliance including industrial wastewater sample collections for certified analyses, industrial wastewater discharge flowmeter maintenance and calibrations, industrial wastewater surcharge statement report preparation, communications with local agency and general wastewater consulting. ASE can also provide equipment for surcharge compliance including wastewater samplers and open channel flowmeters.

Company NameAqua Science Engineers, Inc
Business CategoryMinerals Recycling
Address17855 Sky Park Circle,
Suite C
United States
ZIP: CA 92614
PresidentDavid M. Schultz, P.E.
Year EstablishedNA
Hours of OperationNA
Company Services
  • Real Estate Due Diligence
  • Environmental Audits
  • Environmental Investigations
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