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AMIU Genova

Via D'Annunzio 27, Genova, Liguria, Italy

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Since Oct, 2021
About Company

Amiu (Multiservice and Urban Hygiene Company) is one of the main Italian operators in the environmental sector in which it has been operating for over thirty years. Through the Group, the company offers all services related to the management of the waste cycle and environmental protection.

AMIU Genova (Multiservice and Urban Hygiene Company) was founded in 1986 to deal with the entire cycle of municipal solid waste in the city of Genoa, an activity up to that moment carried out directly by the Municipality.
Ten years later it became a Special Company, one of the legal forms provided for by law 142 on the organization of local autonomies to manage services of economic and entrepreneurial importance.
In 2002 it became a joint stock company, completing the evolutionary path that subsequently led it to become a Group, organizing areas of activity with special purpose companies.

In the more than thirty years since its establishment, AMIU Genova has become one of the main national operators in the environmental sector.

Today AMIU Genova is the in-house company of the Municipality of Genoa and covers all services related to the management of the waste cycle and the environment: from street cleaning to separate collection, from waste treatment to reclamation, up to the management of waste management plants. recycling and final disposal.

Thanks to the new service contract, from 1 January 2021 AMIU Genoa has become the reference manager of the waste cycle for the Metropolitan City of Genoa: in addition to the Ligurian capital, it manages, in this way, the waste cycle of another 30 municipalities in Liguria.


AMIU Genoa is the protagonist of the realization of an adequate plant equipment necessary for a complete regional and interregional circular economy.



AMIU Genova responsible for clean and tidy municipalities, where waste is a material to be recovered, transformed and reintroduced into the production cycle in a safe and sustainable way.

To achieve the objectives established by the regulations, AMIU has activated a waste management system oriented towards recovery and separate collection, to reduce the volume of waste, recycle raw materials and recover energy.

The operating model is based on a series of diversified methodologies:

  • through the bells or road containers for the collection of paper, glass, plastic and cans, used clothing, exhausted batteries and expired drugs (thousands of containers are located throughout the city)
  • with the door-to-door service addressed to domestic and non-domestic users
  • with customized services such as  EcoVan +  dedicated to the collection of hazardous, bulky household waste
  • through the  Ecological Islands , areas equipped with containers for the separate collection of bulky and dangerous waste
  • through the collection of packaging and other waste from commercial businesses, large retailers and large producers

To push the growth of separate waste collection, the integrated enhancement of all the different operating methods applicable is underway, based on the specific needs of the city and economic sustainability.

The material coming from the differentiated collection is treated in the plant in Via Sardorella in Genoa Bolzaneto and subsequently sent for recycling at the various supply chain consortia or directly to the final recovery (paper mills, glass factories, etc.).

Company NameAMIU Genova
Business CategoryPlastic Recycling
AddressVia D'Annunzio 27
ZIP: 16121
Year Established1986
Hours of Operation8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Company Services
  • Waste Collection
  • Management
  • Urban Hygiene Services
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