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Ljubiana Companies

11 companies listed

  • Basic Member
    Since Mar, 2023
The Ljubljana Regional Center for Waste Management (RCERO Ljubljana) is the largest environmental cohesion project in the country, it started operating at the end of 2015 and takes care of the waste of one third of Slovenia. The regional center consists of an expanded landfill, a wastewater treatment…
  • Basic Member
    Since Mar, 2023
VIRTUSTRADE is mainly engaged in aircraft solutions related to mid-to late-life aircraft. VIRTUSTRADE comprehensive old aircraft solutions include aircraft demolition, recycling, sales and  trading of aircraft components, and with the cooperation with our partners, also teardown, maintenance,…
  • Basic Member
    Since Mar, 2023
The company ZEOS was founded based on the requirements of Directive 2002/96/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on waste electrical and electronic equipment of 27 January 2003 and the decision of producers/acquirers/importers of EE equipment in Slovenia to fulfill their environmental obligations…
  • Basic Member
    Since Mar, 2023
Dinos - Let's put waste materials back into industry As the first and largest waste collection and recycling company in Slovenia, we are a reliable partner for industry, companies and households. We have been committed to ecological waste management for more than 75 years. In the pursuit of a clean…
  • Basic Member
    Since Mar, 2023
Darko doo - With you since 1999! Adaptations, renovations, relocation and piles of waste material are inextricably linked.  We are here to take care of the collection and removal of construction waste, old furniture, waste wood, green clippings from gardens and other non-hazardous materials that…
  • Basic Member
    Since Mar, 2023
The company EKOGOR doo is a subsidiary company 100% owned by the company PUBLIKUS doo , which is based in Ljubljana and is considered an expert in the field of waste management in Slovenia . It was founded with the aim of building a facility for the mechanical and biological treatment of mixed municipal…
  • Basic Member
    Since Mar, 2023
Ecologec ® - Bins for separate waste collection General instructions for use, maintenance and recycling PLASTIC BASKETS The products are used as bins for the separate collection of non-hazardous household and office waste in closed spaces (except art. 1024). The products must not be directly exposed…
  • Basic Member
    Since Mar, 2023
Our mission is to help companies and individuals get the most out of scrap metal recycling. In this way, we join forces with both companies and individuals and take care of sensible waste management. Let's keep nature as clean as possible, so let's recycle waste! It is difficult for an individual…
  • Basic Member
    Since Mar, 2023
WHAT IS EKO INCIATIVA? Hygiene plays an importnat role in preserving the environment and natural resources. Each one of us can make our own contribution to environmental protection and conservation, this includes hygiene providers as well as end-users of those services. Therefore, we should all start…
  • Basic Member
    Since Mar, 2023
The company RECIKEL, doo is the holder of a joint plan for handling waste electrical and electronic equipment, waste portable batteries and accumulators, and waste packaging. By joining the joint plan, the RECIKEL company guarantees you the proper implementation of the obligations from the Regulations…
  • Basic Member
    Since Jul, 2021
Company Janplast d.o.o. (Ltd) was established in 2003. We are a family owned and operated company with our roots reaching back in the 80’s when Mr. Janez Pesjak started his craftsmanship. In more than 30 years of production, company specialized in recycling and manufacture of plastic materials.…
1 - 11 of 11 companies
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