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Hordaland Companies

4 companies listed

  • Basic Member
    Since Dec, 2021
BioCoTech AS is an environmental technology company with more than 20 years of experience and solid business references within its sector. The company has its own engineering and development department at its headquarters in Bergen. BioCoTech AS is a total supplier of organic waste disposal solutions…
  • Basic Member
    Since Dec, 2021
History FSG was established in 1954. Fana Kommunale Steinknuseverk, as it was then called, was wholly owned by the former Fana Municipality. In connection with the amalgamation of municipalities in 1972, the company, Fana Steinknuseverk, was added as a separate department in Bergen Municipality.…
  • Basic Member
    Since Dec, 2021
Bergen Miljø og Gjenvinning AS picks up your waste wherever you want. At home, at work or at the cottage. This applies to both occasional collection and agreements on fixed collection. ​ We want to give you as a customer the best possible solution for disposing of your waste. We collect all…
  • Basic Member
    Since Dec, 2021
ØyVAR AS is the leading food and environmental company in Øygarden municipality. 57 employees ensure that drinking water of very good quality is delivered, and they take care of the wastewater and purify it. They also arrange for the emptying of private sludge separators and…
1 - 4 of 4 companies
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