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Vilnius Companies

31 companies listed

  • Basic Member
    Since Jul, 2021
Biomotorai is a leader in the collection and treatment of used oil in the Baltic region. We are trusted by more than 2,000 customers in Lithuania and Latvia - cafes, restaurants, hotels, food production and trade companies, and similar businesses that generate waste oil. We also buy used oil…
  • Basic Member
    Since Jul, 2021
Baltic Recycling UAB, which has been working in the field of electrical and electronic equipment and plastic recycling since 2006, cooperates with companies from Lithuania, Denmark, Austria, Poland, Germany, Sweden, Latvia, China and other countries.  Over 90% of the company's quality secondary…
  • Basic Member
    Since Jul, 2021
Ekoterra  is one of the largest networks of scrap metal purchasing points in the south-eastern part of Lithuania. The Ekoterra  brand unites 4 companies engaged in the trade and processing of scrap metal. UAB Mirita was founded in 1992, since 2009. UAB Terra recycling,…
  • Basic Member
    Since Jul, 2021
One of the largest and most modern manufacturers, exporters and processors of plastic packaging in the Baltic region.   Closed joint-stock company Somlita in 2018 October 10 started to implement the project "Modernization of the Company's production processes by increasing labor productivity…
  • Basic Member
    Since Jul, 2021
UAB Maldis - we have been operating for 30 years ! We are proud that for so many years we have been cherishing the idea of ​​a harmonious approach to the environment and successfully working in Lithuanian and foreign markets both as processors and as producers. We work continuously 7 days…
  • Basic Member
    Since Jul, 2021
UAB "Countryplast" started its activity in 2010. Our company is engaged in the handling of plastic packaging and the production of plastic products. Since 2010 On 8 November 2007, the company successfully implemented the project under the measure “Support for Business Creation and…
  • Basic Member
    Since Aug, 2020
PLASTA is one of the largest and most trusted polyethylene post consumer waste recyclers, manufacturers and suppliers of plastic products throughout Europe, having created more than half a thousand jobs for professionals in this field. EXPERIENCE AND RELIABILITY In order to lead with innovative and…
  • Basic Member
    Since Jun, 2020   We love working around the world:CIS countries,Europe,USA,China,Mexico....    
  • Basic Member
    Since May, 2019
MB Amarys company is an Trading and Trade Facilitator Company.
  • Basic Member
    Since May, 2015
Ruptela is a Lithuanian telecommunications company that develops transport management solutions. The company produces GPS/Glonass tracking and monitoring software and hardware and provides the relevant solutions. The company’s products are designed for real-time monitoring of vehicles and optimisation…
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2015
Since its beginning in 2010, the company has aimed at production of high performance advanced solutions. New ideas, broad knowledge of its engineers and physicists have made it possible to create an exclusive company. Backed by Applied Research Laboratories (FTMC, LTC, VU FF, KTU) and our partners we…
21 - 31 of 31 companies
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