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Plastic Recycling Companies

5708 companies listed

  • Basic Member
    Since Oct, 2023
ENSO Plastics was created with a vision of making the world a cleaner place through plastic solutions that are better for the environment. Our goal is to end plastic pollution by developing earth friendly plastic solutions. In addition to bringing environmentally friendly bottles and other plastic products…
  • Basic Member
    Since Oct, 2023
A YOUNG COMPANY WITH AN EYE TO THE FUTURE Powerpol was born in 2014 from the experience of a family business present on the market since the 90s. The company today mainly produces compounds based on Polypropylene and Polyamide of any type, but with a view to customer satisfaction, it also manages to…
  • Basic Member
    Since Oct, 2023
Coastal Container is a tote & drum reconditioner & recycler. We generate scrap HD from tote bottles & poly drums in the Houston region
  • Basic Member
    Since Oct, 2023
Zena Green (a company registered in the Register of Environmental Managers) is the technical partner and promoter of PlasTiPremia, the project of AMIU and the Ligurian Institute for Consumption for the city of Genoa. It deals with the selected collection of PET [Polyethylene terephthalate (drink and…
  • Basic Member
    Since Oct, 2023
PlasTipremia is a project born from the collaboration between AMIU Genoa, the Environment Department of the Municipality of Genoa, Corepla (national plastic packaging consortium), Comieco (national consortium for the recovery and recycling of cellulose packaging) and ILC (Ligurian Institute for Consumption)…
  • Basic Member
    Since Oct, 2023
What do we do The main scope of the company is the collection and separation of non-hazardous special waste. In particular, we work with plastic materials and semi-precious metals which, through a careful selection and separation process, are transformed from waste into an economic resource, effectively…
  • Basic Member
    Since Oct, 2023
Coripet is a voluntary consortium, recognized by the Ministry of the Environment, between producers, converters and recyclers of PET bottles. Coripet's challenge is to collect and recycle the PET bottles placed on the market by the consortium manufacturing companies. A choice for the environment: the…
  • Basic Member
    Since Oct, 2023
HISTORY Rotomoldagem was founded in 1996, dedicated to the transformation of polymers through the rotational molding process, also known as rotomolding. Presenting sustained growth, since 2008 it has had industrial facilities with a covered area of ​​10,000 m2 of production equipment that is perfectly…
  • Basic Member
    Since Oct, 2023 Srl is a point of reference for many companies in Northern Italy, in fact, we collect any type and size of plastic waste with our vehicles equipped with a compactor which will then be ground at our plant in Conegliano and regenerated to be re-introduced in the production cycle.
  • Basic Member
    Since Sep, 2023
Eco Recupero Srl is a company that mainly deals with the recovery, valorisation and regeneration of plastic materials . Over the years it has specialized in PVC and polyester recycling and in the trade of other plastic materials, providing high quality services at competitive prices. The company was…
  • Basic Member
    Since Sep, 2023
The management of post-consumer plastic packaging has now become a global problem, and as such it must be managed and addressed in order to involve and raise awareness of all citizens. For this reason, the RiPET company was born in 2020, an industrial company active in the field of environmental sustainability.…
  • Basic Member
    Since Sep, 2023
SRA is the leading company for the selection of plastic waste in Campania with headquarters in Polla, in the Sant'Antuono area, in the industrial area. Since July 2008 we have been at the forefront for the collection, transport, selection and disposal of waste in Campania, focusing primarily on plastic…
  • Basic Member
    Since Sep, 2023
EXPORPLÁS, established in 1981, is a global company specialized in the combination of extrusion technology with polymer processing technology in the development and production of industrial products for different segments, such as Agriculture, Horticulture, Fishing, Packaging, Construction and…
  • Basic Member
    Since Sep, 2023
Latitude Opportuna – Plastic Recycling, lda develops its activity of recovering plastic, from waste management operations, which will be transformed into products, materials or substances, complying with the requirements imposed in ordinance no. 245/2017, of August 2nd, FER (End of Waste…
  • Basic Member
    Since Sep, 2023
We are transformers Of the plastics produced to date, only 9% have been recycled . 12% were incinerated but the vast majority of plastics - 79% - ended up in landfills or lost to the environment. Our mission is to prevent this from happening. At Oiá Plast we believe in the potential of what,…
  • Basic Member
    Since Sep, 2023
We have a company dedicated to developing solutions in Injection and Extrusion of technical plastics. Inexplás Portugal, with know-how acquired over several years, and investing in the most recent manufacturing technologies, brings together the best conditions to guarantee total innovation and…
  • Basic Member
    Since Sep, 2023
History A.Socabo – Luciano Alves & Cª Lda, a manufacturer of plastic cleaning and recycling products, has been on the market since 1981. We began our economic activity by manufacturing wooden handles as well as wooden stumps, etc. Later we started manufacturing filaments (nylon),…
  • Basic Member
    Since Sep, 2023
The company was created by a group of operators from our area, to produce and recycle plastic packaging used in agriculture. Thus helping to improve the environment as well as the quality of our horticultural products and their image, both in national and international markets, thus contributing…
  • Basic Member
    Since Sep, 2023
Resiflux was born out of growing concern for the environment, with the main objective of contributing to a more sustainable and clean future, essentially through the recovery of waste. We are dedicated to Global Waste Management, and we have two reception and sorting centers, strategically located in…
  • Basic Member
    Since Sep, 2023
Plastic Recycling Reprocessors We purchase plastic waste LDPE film We buy plastic waste
281 - 300 of 5708 companies

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