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Katy Companies

64 companies listed

  • Basic Member
    Since Jul, 2016
xcalibar Minerals LLC provides high quality finished Barytes and Calcium Carbonate products.  Crude ores processed in our state-of-the-art facilities to make these finished Barium Sulfate andCalcium Carbonate products are used in a wide variety of industrial applications, including…
  • Basic Member
    Since Nov, 2015
The Company’s Corporate Governance Guidelines establish criteria for the Board of Directors, its committees and the Company. Corporate Governance is a priority of the Company and the guidelines and principles adopted requires that the directors, management and employees are held to the highest…
  • Basic Member
    Since Aug, 2013
T-Bone's Junk Hauling.
  • Basic Member
    Since Jun, 2012
Greg Winski has developed many relationships and interactions with large and small corporations alike, both domestic and overseas and has earned a reputation from overseas and domestic buyers and sellers, as a professional with much essence. Many look up to him for his comprehension of the complete…
61 - 64 of 64 companies
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