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Chur Companies

7 companies listed

  • Basic Member
    Since Feb, 2022
"Grischa Recycling is an offer from chur@work. You support people in their social integration. After registering, you will receive a confirmation with further information about our service. Collect and separate recyclables as usual. Use the shopping bags that you are currently using to hand. We pick…
  • Basic Member
    Since Feb, 2022
EcoGrischun offers a comprehensive range of jobs with the aim of integrating and engaging with the daily structure for people who need support. We have jobs in the areas of industry, creative workshops and recycling. In this way, people with a need for support receive a sensible daily structure,…
  • Basic Member
    Since Feb, 2022
Vogele recycling Our fathers had a good nose and a healthy foresight with recognition of the future importance of recycling. At a time when scrap iron was not given the attention it is today, they collected valuable materials in the streets of Chur. The Vögele brothers Oskar and Anton (sel.) expanded…
  • Basic Member
    Since Sep, 2021
Organization The Calanda Group consists of several stock corporations and a stake in GRIBAG Beton AG and Reno Pumpbeton AG. The management reports to Giancarlo Weingart. The Calanda Group employs around 60 people. The gravel extraction and processing takes place at the three locations: Chur, Reichenau…
  • Basic Member
    Since Sep, 2021
GRAVELCONCRETELANDFILLRECYCLINGPUMP The history of Kieswerk Oldis AG Kieswerk Oldis AG was founded in 1963 after some shareholders in Haldenstein had acquired a concession for the extraction of gravel and sand from the Rhine. The founders almost exclusively included construction companies from Graubünden.…
  • Basic Member
    Since Sep, 2021
Vögele recycling Our fathers had a good nose and a healthy foresight, recognizing the future importance of recycling. At a time when scrap iron was not yet being given the attention of today, they collected valuable materials in the streets of Chur. The Vögele brothers Oskar and Anton (sel.)…
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2015
TEM AG is a privately owned company. As a customer you benefit therefore from our flexibility and short decision paths. Since 1967 we have been active in the development, manufacture and sale of monitoring and control systems for heating, air-conditioning and ventilation systems, designed to provide…
1 - 7 of 7 companies
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