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Ripollet Companies

3 companies listed

  • Basic Member
    Since Jan, 2023
Sp Metal Recycling Recovery specialists Our company was founded in 2014. We are the third generation dedicated to the metal recycling sector, with a long history and experience in the sector. Sp Metal Recycling recycles and recovers all kinds of metal waste in its different formats. Through different…
  • Basic Member
    Since Aug, 2021
Metals Casino SL With the experience of three generations of recuperators, METALES CASINO, SL. was founded in 1990 with the purpose of carrying out the commercialization and classification of non-ferrous metals from recovery. The experience accumulated over several decades and the agility provided by…
  • Basic Member
    Since Jul, 2021
Recoveries Brothers Carrillo And Sons we have been professionally dedicated to the recovery and recycling of metals throughout the province of Barcelona for more than 30 years , and two generations . We started our business career in the 1980s , although with the support of a long history and experience…
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