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Magnitogorsk Companies

3 companies listed

  • Basic Member
    Since Mar, 2022
The main goal of MMK Vtormet LLC is the complete uninterrupted supply of the Russian metallurgical industry with high-quality ferrous scrap. To achieve this goal, as well as to increase the competitiveness and economic efficiency of its activities, the company constantly invests in development. The…
  • Basic Member
    Since Jan, 2022
Under the word container, today's language means any packaging: cardboard, glass, plastic and metal. By collecting and accumulating all this container, sending it for recycling, you can save natural resources. Our company has existed in the recyclable materials market since 1998. During this…
  • Basic Member
    Since Jul, 2021
In 2014, the Lime brand celebrated the first decade of its history. The brand, now well known to Russian hygiene professionals, was born in the mid-2000s - a period when the commercial real estate market in Russia began to change qualitatively, which spurred the demand for non-household hygiene…
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