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Noordwijkerhout Companies

2 companies listed

  • Basic Member
    Since Aug, 2023
Copots was founded by Bas Verschoor, who has been active in horticulture since 1985. Since 2011, our company has been active in the design, production and trade of plastic products. Copots has a wide range of plastic pots for all pot and container growers. You can contact us for cultivation pots, containers,…
  • Basic Member
    Since Jan, 2021
In 1905, Bert Meeuwenoord, the great grandfather of the current owners, established a company at Zeestraat 32 a in Noordwijkerhout. From this location he, together with approximately 5 employees, ran a company that was busy in the summer with the transport of flower bulbs. In the…
1 - 2 of 2 companies
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