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Montemurlo Companies

2 companies listed

  • Basic Member
    Since Jun, 2021
WE ARE Quality and tradition at your service Fil-3 was founded in Prato in 1984 with a clear objective: to renew and refresh the production of carded and spun yarns in Prato. And we did it, merging technology and tradition. Our company produces and offers a wide range of yarns, from carded to pure wool,…
  • Basic Member
    Since Jun, 2021
Gemar & Figli specialized in the sale of second hand clothing Gemar e figli s.r.l., founded by Fabio Marseo in 2014, is a young company operating in the sector for the sale of second hand clothing. Fabio has followed the family tradition with three generations working in the second hand clothing…
1 - 2 of 2 companies
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