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Aspropyrgos Companies

26 companies listed

Aspropyrgos , Athens, Greece
  • Basic Member
    Since Sep, 2022
ECORESET SA was established in 2010. The company develops techniques for the industrial separation of composite streams of materials and the recovery of usable raw materials and resources, aiming to reintroduce them into the production chain, as well as the maximum diversion of materials from landfill. …
  • Basic Member
    Since Aug, 2022
The Attiki Recycling company was founded in 2014 and is active in the area of ​​Car Recycling , handling procedures The Attiki Recycling company is fully licensed and is a contracted member of the EDOE (Alternative Vehicle Management of Greece) system. Provides all certified services for the Withdrawal,…
  • Basic Member
    Since Aug, 2022
GS Recycling is a recycling company located in Greece. The company was founded in 1990. The company started to collect and transfer wastes and recycling materials to plants and factories. In 2001, the company established a Waste Management, Sorting & Recycling Materials Plant in Aspropirgos,…
  • Basic Member
    Since Jan, 2022
PERME HELLAS SA was established in 1999 and managed in a short time to gain significant market share, providing a wide range of services in the fields of waste management and recycling, both in the Private and in the public sector. More specifically: Operation of Recyclable Material Sorting Centers…
  • Basic Member
    Since Jan, 2022
The company 3 A - A car - A recycling - A spare parts ( KOANO SA) is not another private company in the field of car recycling. It is a collective, collaborative idea that was born 5 years ago and took shape in 2011, when 29 car repairmen and 10 craftsmen joined forces to establish a multi-stakeholder…
  • Basic Member
    Since Jan, 2022
The company I. HOUMAS SA initially had the name I. HOUMAS & CO OE.  based in Moschato and activity in the production and marketing of car batteries. In 1986 the headquarters of the company is transferred to Aspropyrgos, Attica, where the company's facilities are housed. In…
Aspropyrgos, Athens, Greece
  • Basic Member
    Since Jan, 2022
ECORESET SA was established in 2010. The company develops techniques for the industrial separation of composite streams of materials and the recovery of usable raw materials and resources, aiming to reintroduce them into the production chain, as well as the maximum diversion of materials from landfill.…
  • Basic Member
    Since Jan, 2022
The company  Pirounias Georgios , is active in the field of  recycling  since 2005. From 2010 onwards its main activity is the  collection of old batteries  nationwide. Statistics show a steady trend in the collection of old batteries. More…
Aspropyrgos, Athens, Greece
  • Basic Member
    Since Jan, 2022
The company OIKANO LTD was founded in 2009, with the main object of Recycling any kind of Vehicle and the sale of Spare Vehicles, of all kinds (passenger-trucks-two-wheelers). The company started receiving vehicles for recycling in 2011, after completing the construction of its facilities and contracting…
  • Basic Member
    Since Jan, 2022
Our company, Katsoulis Angelos , maintains its headquarters in Aspropyrgos and is active in the field of collection, marketing and recycling of metals - scrap (iron, copper, brass, cables, etc.) having many years of experience in the field. Investing in recent years, in modern technological means, but…
  • Basic Member
    Since Jan, 2022
GS Recycling is a recycling company located in Greece. The company was founded in 1990. The company started to collect and transfer wastes and recycling materials to plants and factories. In 2001, the company established a Waste Management, Sorting & Recycling Materials Plant in Aspropirgos, GR.…
Aspropyrgos, Athens, Greece
  • Basic Member
    Since Jan, 2022
The company NEOFYTOS since 1983 based in Aspropyrgos specializes in the field of recycling, with main activities the purchase of scrap iron & metals, the purchase of heavy vehicles - trucks - machinery (to be dismantled), the recycling - withdrawal & deletion of cars OTZ spare parts. OLD IRONS…
  • Basic Member
    Since Jan, 2022
RISE ONLY. SA From 1945, the Stavroulaki family started its participation in recycling purely and only for survival reasons. Our grandfather Stavroulakis Dimitris started it all with the collection of irons, metals and other recyclable materials. After the war, the Stavroulaki family then…
Aspropyrgos, Athens, Greece
  • Basic Member
    Since Jan, 2022
CYTOP SA is a member of the MOTOR OIL HELLAS GROUP and has as its object the "Collection of Lubricating Oil Waste, Petroleum Waste, Other Hazardous Waste, Used Packaging Materials and their disposal for utilization" Mission and vision CYTOP SA is a member of the MOTOR OIL HELLAS GROUP, is headquartered…
  • Basic Member
    Since Jan, 2022
Recycling & Trade of Old Iron TOSSOUNIDIS SCRAP METAL MON / PI IKE in Aspropyrgos The company Tossounidis SCRAP METAL MON / PI IKE is active in the field of recycling of old iron and metals since 1969 with headquarters in Aspropyrgos, on Irini Avenue (NATO), Aspri Petra. The recycling company Tossounidis…
Aspropyrgos, Athens, Greece
  • Basic Member
    Since Jan, 2022
Recycling Cars is a new company active in the field of recycling scrap metal and cars. Recycling Cars is a new company active in the field of recycling scrap metal and cars and provides a range of services to a diversified portfolio of customers from the private and public sectors. The company is staffed…
  • Basic Member
    Since Jan, 2022
KIMET has been the leading provider of a range of reliable services for the analysis, recovery and separation of precious metals in the industry and more specialized in jewelry. We recycle precious metals such as gold, silver and palladium , with processes perfectly harmonized with the environment. We…
  • Basic Member
    Since Jan, 2022
WHO WE ARE ELKAN MAVEE is mainly active in the services of solid non-hazardous waste management, ensuring their legal disposal. At the same time, it is commercially active in the field of steel products, machinery of all kinds, trucks - as well as various spare parts. Our goal is to provide reliable…
ASPROPYRGOS, Athens, Greece
  • Basic Member
    Since Jan, 2022
Filippopoulou family has over 50 years presence in the recycling sector. Founded   by George Filippopoulos at 1991, ELVAN has the mission of correct environment management of tires, cables, metal, electrical and electronical devices. Our aim is the environment protection and the improvement…
Aspropyrgos , Athens, Greece
  • Basic Member
    Since Jan, 2022
ALTERNATIVE MANAGEMENT OF LUBRICANT OIL WASTE (EN.DIALE SA), is the National Collective Alternative Management System (LCM) Waste Lubricating Oils (ALE) which was founded in 1998 in Athens with April. It operates in the field of alternative management of waste lubricating oils (ALE) in an environmentally…
1 - 20 of 26 companies
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