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Vancouve Companies

5 companies listed

  • Basic Member
    Since Jun, 2020
Inflection Resources is a private mineral exploration company focused on the discovery of gold and copper in Eastern Australia. The company has a large portfolio of 100% owned drill ready targets in northern NSW. The Company has a large portfolio of 100% owned projects in the Lachlan Fold Belt in New…
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2020
Power Metals Corp is one of Canada’s premier mining companies with a mandate to explore and develop its Cesium, Lithium and Tantalum assets in Canada. We see an unprecedented opportunity in expanding our Cesium discovery for the undersupplied global marketplace.  
  • Basic Member
    Since Apr, 2020
Lead and zinc mines in the Balkan region have created a substantial quantity of hazardous surface tailings, waste and by-product materials over the last 100 years. As well, scrap steel smelters produce Electric Arc Furnace Dust (“EAFD”) as a waste product that contains substantial zinc. …
  • Basic Member
    Since Mar, 2020
Genesis Metals is a gold discovery company focused on on advancing the Chevrier Gold deposit in Quebec, Canada. It is a member of the Discovery Group.
  • Basic Member
    Since Mar, 2020
Tirex Resources Ltd. was formed to conduct mineral exploration and development activities in Albania. Recently, the company has announced plans to transition into production and has announced the approval of 6 separate 25 year mining licenses within the Mirdita VMS District. In addition to a keen focus…
1 - 5 of 5 companies
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